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Gatekeeping this frrrrr. Omfg. People learned the word pedo and grooming and decides to r...

Banana June 25, 2024 6:07 pm

Gatekeeping this frrrrr. Omfg.
People learned the word pedo and grooming and decides to run with it without knowing the true meaning of these words. SINCE WHEN DID MC GROOMED ML TO BE HIS LOVER? He didn't even felt ANYTHING for him until ml showed feelings for him as well. Since when did mc became a pedo??? DID HE LIKED HIM WHEN JE WAS A CHILD???? OMFG idiots

    June 26, 2024 2:12 am

    Exactly though. MC had no feelings of romance or literally anything of the sort for paljae when he was in his child form. Like absolutely none at all. Didn’t even cross his mind. It was only when he grew more into his adult form and when paljae was being more open with his feelings towards MC did he then start to truly think about that kinda thing.

    Call Me by Your Name June 26, 2024 1:16 pm

    Their argument is, since Ryeong 'raising' Paljae, that would be so wrong a.k.a gross to fall for Paljae's courting.

    I mean, isn't Ryeong clearly said (chap 2) they're friends? Ryeong tired of being the elder figure of sons and apprentices. Now he just want a companion, that is a friend. A figure that is an equal of him. Ryeong IS NOT raising Paljae, but fill the role of a friend that tell his amnesiac friend the way to live. I know this manhwa didn't use a simple daily language, but damn, reading comprehension is a thing you know.

    TheRealBabyKia!!1! June 28, 2024 2:55 am

    Barely anybody has even called this grooming why do you mofos keep talking about it

    Call Me by Your Name June 28, 2024 1:52 pm
    Barely anybody has even called this grooming why do you mofos keep talking about it TheRealBabyKia!!1!

    It is in the comments. They didn't make post about it, but comment to other poster.

    TheRealBabyKia!!1! June 28, 2024 3:30 pm
    It is in the comments. They didn't make post about it, but comment to other poster. Call Me by Your Name

    Read through the comments again and tell me who has accused this of being pedophilia/grooming

    Call Me by Your Name June 28, 2024 10:16 pm
    Read through the comments again and tell me who has accused this of being pedophilia/grooming TheRealBabyKia!!1!

    Obsessed aren't you? You can easily find it.

    I've seen your post about this & how you react to it. I don't think you genuinely care about this matter, you just want to be right about whatever in your head. Won't be wasting my time on you.