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Naui isn’t wrong for this in particular….

Skbimil June 25, 2024 3:54 pm

Hmmm. I’m only up to chapter 14 but I don’t like how the story has turned into Naui being the sorry one and regretting his action. If you think about it isn’t it normal for him to think they could be “sex friends”. That’s literally how Muhyeok approached Naui. He basically forced sex on him then didn’t follow up with any sort of mentions about dating or liking him as a person. So if I was in Naui shoes I’d think the same. That this is a sex friends type thing going on. With Muhyeok being more experienced he should have been more honest and forward with expectations about their relationship. All he did in the beginning was let pride get the best of him for being ignored then taking out his frustrations through physical needs. Naui isn’t right for his rudeness either but if we are talking about the situation about sex friend vs dating, I don’t think he was in the wrong to ask to be sex friends. Muhyeok also could have confessed and been straightforward about wanting to date or at the very least develop something more than just sex. But no he just gave up and put the fault on Naui for not getting his feelings. And then leaving Naui with more questions.
