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shocked jaw dropped organ failure please no

maeauyi June 25, 2024 1:25 pm

enjoyed reading this and also cried at some parts until the end UNTIL their ages got to me. Don't get me wrong this is actually a nice story.. IF IT WEREN'T SO.. WRONG.
I'm surprised myself I even got to finish this story and even CRIED. I would have dropped this off the bat if I didn't forget their ages.. AND in the time skip if the mc doesn't look so.. 15.. She's 10 yrs old and looks like that BUT I mean it's genes but c'mon now :(

First that surprised me is that even after knowing about the mc's past.. the people around her didn't change and acts the same around her like she is their younger sister and the youngest in the family. I really thought they would act different cause she IS mentally older than them. The only thing that made me uncomfortable here is how the mc acts childish and everyone (that knows she is a warrior) is okay with it. Cause for sure I would be cringed but I guess I do get it?(I don't) since she didn't get to experience being like a real kid and was already taken and abused by Majore in her past life.

Next is both of mc and the ml..

Mc is a GROWN ADULT on the inside.. she liked ml because of his looks. AND ml also likes mc for whatever reason and I just don't understand how the both of them even got together since there was NOTHING that shows about them genuinely falling in love. MC likes ml because of his looks and ml likes mc for idk??? like what.
Let's not forget the ages????? After the 3 years time skip.. Mc is 10 years old while ML is 17 and they were TOGETHER. In easy words to explain this whole thing it's basically pedo x pedo. Mc is an ADULT on the inside liking on a 14 or 15 year old boy while ML is also getting feelings for mc despite him knowing mc's age & knowing about her past life (is just so weird☹) AND he also wants to KISS MC??? (after timeskip) knowing too well she is 10 yrs old AND THE MC WANTS TO KISS HIM AS WELL. I don't know how to explain just read it yourself

I HAD high hopes on this and it did disappoint. From the whole being childish and ignoring she is an ADULT on the inside and HER liking on a 14 or 15 yr old boy AND VICE VERSA AND SJKDNHSUIDBKSUJDBK. This is making me crazy why did I even cry at this.
