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Katie June 25, 2024 12:55 pm

Some ppl said that the in-game moment is boring but for me it's so good! Its just like slice of life where i'm just interested how their day is gonna go, like grinding and finding different info. I think it's because the chibi is sooooooo cuttee, which is enjoyable to read. It's like watching a fish, u don't expect it to do anything and just let it swim.

Totally gonna be one of my fav so far, both of them are so cute and i like how yeowoon just mumbling everytime auahah. Looking forward to it more!

TLDR- It's so good, and can someone tell me where i can read it officially so i could support them? And also what's their twitter?

    Lala27 June 25, 2024 3:59 pm

    I love the in game so much! Idk if it’s because I play video games or if it’s just the contrast!

    wangxian June 25, 2024 11:21 pm

    I love that the mmo part doesn't feel like an afterthought because I've read through a bunch of mmo bls and this one is a delight lol

    Katie June 26, 2024 5:23 am
    I love the in game so much! Idk if it’s because I play video games or if it’s just the contrast! Lala27

    Hahaha me too! I think the contrast is also an important factor to it, its just so fun!