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Dear Whining Snowflakes

Yuiko June 25, 2024 8:59 am

I love how people are still whining about the nature of the manga when PAGE 1 clearly says that if its not to your taste then gtfo. And yet, the same people will go ahead and read it anyway and preach about morals and what other type shit in the comments about a manga from Shalala Land. YOU know you're not going to like it, THE TRASLATOR knows some people aren't going to like it... With the tabooness of the manga title and the warning page,.. snowflakes are still going to read it and take their virtue signaling little fingers to the comments section and complain.
How stupid is that? If YOU KNOW you're not going to like it then just DON'T. FUCKING. READ. IT. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Zombiegirl June 25, 2024 11:27 am

    And you just know on they’re page/profile they read every other bl that has multiple taboo subjects and is problematic lmaooo

    nope June 25, 2024 11:43 am

    calling people snowflakes because they’re complaining about incest is crazy. if people want to talk about how weird this shit is, you whining about it isn’t going to stop them. before you say “well why read it in the first place” - people love to hate watch/read badly written media and then talk trash about it. it’s not something exclusive to bl and it happens everywhere on the internet. get used to it

    in my case, i didn’t see the title and was confused at the scenario with the mom until i went back and checked. that’s when i realized it was incest.

    Yuiko June 25, 2024 12:09 pm
    calling people snowflakes because they’re complaining about incest is crazy. if people want to talk about how weird this shit is, you whining about it isn’t going to stop them. before you say “well why re... nope

    "people love to hate watch/read badly written media and then talk trash about it"
    There it is. Then that's no longer the manga's fault. Or the authors. "Out of sight, out of mind", as they say. You just proved my point.

    "in my case, i didn’t see the title and was confused at the scenario with the mom until i went back and checked"
    Didn't see the 10 worded title? You know there's a 2-step process to reading a manga, right? 3 and a half if you count READING THE TITLE. 4 if you read the summary. 5 if you read the comments/topics.
    Didn't see the title... are some people that dumb? Say it ain't so..

    Yuiko June 25, 2024 12:15 pm
    And you just know on they’re page/profile they read every other bl that has multiple taboo subjects and is problematic lmaooo Zombiegirl

    They're probably just bitching there too.
    Them: "I'll never understand people who read these type of stuff"
    Also them: *proceeds to read them
    Granted there are mangas I don't read on here BECAUSE I pay attention to the warnings. I read the comments and if there's something in there that checks my "Don't read" box, I don't read it nor do I comment about the people who like that kind of stuff.

    Tadano June 25, 2024 12:21 pm
    calling people snowflakes because they’re complaining about incest is crazy. if people want to talk about how weird this shit is, you whining about it isn’t going to stop them. before you say “well why re... nope

    someone needs to actually read the definition of a word and not just go by the convoluted meaning people have in mind when they throw it around these days.

    "people love to hate watch/read badly written media and then talk trash about it." riight. okay. what do you have to say though. I'm interested. you say people want to talk about how weird this shit is, so there must be a lot of things you have in mind, and you're not just boasting your "exquisite ability to discern this story from the rest from the first chapter alone."

    shallow-minded people like you are crazy. you think stepsiblings trope is weird (even though its been in mainstream media for ages) soo... then... what? people can't like it because you can't? you want a medal for being "morally correct" in

    nope June 25, 2024 12:44 pm
    someone needs to actually read the definition of a word and not just go by the convoluted meaning people have in mind when they throw it around these days. "people love to hate watch/read badly written media an... Tadano

    I don't know what you mea by this. Can you explain?

    Yeah again I don't know what you mean by this. People are trash talking the incest, that's what this whole thing is about.

    I'm not shallow minded for not liking incest. You have to admit your likes are the abnormal one, most people don't like incest. Sure people can like it, I can stop them but it doesn't mean you're not a weirdo/freak for liking it. But yeah I'll take a medal.

    Whether or not something is in mainstream media doesn't mean it's not weird or wrong. Sexual violence against women is often in mainstream media, but there's a lot of discussion oof how wrong it is.

    nope June 25, 2024 12:51 pm
    "people love to hate watch/read badly written media and then talk trash about it"There it is. Then that's no longer the manga's fault. Or the authors. "Out of sight, out of mind", as they say. You just proved m... Yuiko

    I didn't prove your point by explaining to you why people are hate reading it.

    So now you're mad I didn't read the title? That truly has you upset lol? Wow. God wait until you find out I rarely read the titles. I like to jump in head first to see what I'm getting. Is that going to make you blow a fuse?

    Yuiko June 25, 2024 1:08 pm
    I didn't prove your point by explaining to you why people are hate reading it. So now you're mad I didn't read the title? That truly has you upset lol? Wow. God wait until you find out I rarely read the titles.... nope

    Mad? Oh, please. Get over yourself. You're not worth that much energy. I'm simply baffled by the notion of not reading the title first.

    nope June 25, 2024 1:15 pm
    Mad? Oh, please. Get over yourself. You're not worth that much energy. I'm simply baffled by the notion of not reading the title first. Yuiko

    I mean you seemed pretty mad but sure. You're baffled I saw a nice cover and clicked without reading the title? It doesn't seem that crazy but okay

    Tadano June 25, 2024 2:11 pm
    I don't know what you mea by this. Can you explain?Yeah again I don't know what you mean by this. People are trash talking the incest, that's what this whole thing is about.I'm not shallow minded for not liking... nope

    do you actually know the definition of incest or are you just using it because you've heard people throw it around?

    I can't tell if you're just playing dumb or what. I really need to spell it out to you like you're five. Okay, so you think it's weird. And then? What next? Like... What do you really want to say here? What's the point in all this unless you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Surely you can't expect to just say "I think it's weird and you're weird period!" because that is literally... Nothing.

    I only brought up mainstream media because it's almost like you're acting nobody's seen this before. Of course we all know it's taboo, we all know some people are against it. It's portrayed in media, it's a topic in fiction, and it's bad in real life. We all know that. We know that and we can separate what we consume in fictional media and what we tolerate in reality. It's not that hard to understand.

    people throw others in a category of "weirdo" if they don't understand them and then disregard them and treat them less. Yeah my interests are unusual but that does not warrant you acting like you are so rightful and above me for not liking them. "I'll take a medal." Unfortunately you're not getting one from me. The self-righteousness lol.

    nope June 25, 2024 2:54 pm
    do you actually know the definition of incest or are you just using it because you've heard people throw it around?I can't tell if you're just playing dumb or what. I really need to spell it out to you like you... Tadano

    No this story is definitely incest. Are you trying to argue it isn't? because that's dumb. Just because they're to blood related, doesn't mean it's not incest.

    What do you mean what else is there to say? That's it. Do you know what trash talking mean? Are you the 5 yo? Did you expect some spectacular review on incest or something? You're mad people are giving you "nothing" in a comment section for some shitty manga?

    Also to that point I wasn't even arguing "I think it's weird and you're weird." - if you actually read my comment you would know I was telling Yuiko that getting mad about people complaining about incest is't going to stop them and then explaining why people read something they don't like, and that it happens on the internet all the time. My original comment wasn't about calling incest readers weird. And you're the one who started the argument with me.

    Yeah no where did I act like "nobody's seen this before" so I don't know where you got this from. Also no, what you consume in fiction can affect reality. Again to bring up what women go through: The sexual violence shown in porn heavily affects men's perception of real women. To the point that they're sexual aggressive to real women because of how women are portrayed in porn. That's just one example but yes fiction media, especially porn, can and does have an effect on humans and how we perceive reality.

    "Understand you" dude you like reading about brothers fucking. I don't need to understand that. And you're the one who asked if I wanted a medal so I said yes. That's not being self righteous, it's answering your fucking question.

    nope June 25, 2024 2:55 pm
    No this story is definitely incest. Are you trying to argue it isn't? because that's dumb. Just because they're to blood related, doesn't mean it's not incest. What do you mean what else is there to say? That's... nope

    *not blood related

    June 25, 2024 4:10 pm

    Thank you OP. I agree with you. I happily enjoy this story and this comic. And I love the art from this author too. Always so pretty. Thanks and I appreciate us speaking up.

    Yuiko June 25, 2024 7:02 pm
    do you actually know the definition of incest or are you just using it because you've heard people throw it around?I can't tell if you're just playing dumb or what. I really need to spell it out to you like you... Tadano

    Just kiss already ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Me, I mean