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Damn, it’s begun

Jevelle June 25, 2024 8:21 am

Girl has started becoming so mentally isolated to just thinking of Alistea that she froze in the face of saving someone’s life. Not because she was too late or it was hopeless to maybe pull him out of the way and there was nothing that could’ve been done. But because any sort of harm that comes to her would’ve made Alistea sad. She really did chose Alistea’s happiness over someone’s life. She says it was too late but it sounds like she’s trying to rationalise it to herself.

She’s unfrozen and stepping up now to save the town, but it’s not because of her former kind and selfless nature. That’s secondary now. It’s because it is the town that ALISTEA worked hard to make for her. It’s because it’s ALISTEA’S town. It’s because of ALISTEA

    Tsura Sobasa June 25, 2024 2:27 pm

    you're absolutely right! this FL turned into a braindamaged person after unturning from being stone...

    Bee June 25, 2024 5:11 pm

    that good dick ami right