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The mc has never been weak, she was simply going through intense abuse and had only her su...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream June 25, 2024 2:58 am

The mc has never been weak, she was simply going through intense abuse and had only her survival in mind, she did the best she could and that's wonderful, she survived, lived and is now hopefully thriving.
People who went through abuse know how tough it is just to breathe, the mental strain, the fact she has been abused physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and in the future sexually. It is just horrible and she managed to get through it all on her own with only 2 maids and one butler who were also her Achilles heel, since they would always threaten her with her servants and be held hostage against her. She did her best, she has done well and is a better survivor than most ignorants here who know nothing about life and trauma. She doesn't even have the time to process everything she's going through, she has been guilt tripped her whole life and legitimately believes she is at fault because of a brain washing ongoing since she was young, basically she is a tough one, a truly strong being, a strong human who has done her best, now she can even stand up for herself, she got her own work nobody helped her but she survived, she is even great at it, gained new friends even though she is awkward because of her dysfunctional family and life. She's awesome, strength can be subtle as well, this is real strength, that's a story for adults, so kids should simply go find their own stories. It's subtle, elegant and eloquent just as she is, a mature and wise woman, she has always been smart and with age she became wiser, truly, a great attitude, I love her.
