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Matcha_is_Luv June 24, 2024 7:51 pm

It's moving too fast, what is even happening Is the author rushing to finish this? There is no need to be this fast, if not. I don't understand why the need to rush the story

    세봉이 June 27, 2024 4:19 pm

    I've read the novel, perhaps a year ago (can't really remember), but in my memories, it was much more detailed. It's true that it feels kind of fast ! For example, the encounter with Reef, the dungeon where Theselid was found, well (kinda everything) was much more detailed

    Matcha_is_Luv June 28, 2024 2:36 pm
    I've read the novel, perhaps a year ago (can't really remember), but in my memories, it was much more detailed. It's true that it feels kind of fast ! For example, the encounter with Reef, the dungeon where The... 세봉이

    I knooow, I've read the novel too. That's why I can see that the author/artist is rushing things so much. I don't know why! There is so much more potential to this story!