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be honest is this good? i been scrolling trying to find new stories to read and i remember...

ama June 24, 2024 1:26 pm

be honest is this good? i been scrolling trying to find new stories to read and i remember seeing this being popular last year but i didn’t care to read it then

    HOLY+WATER June 24, 2024 5:20 pm

    S1 was gawdd.
    S2 so far is .. it’s keeping me on my tipitoes

    Jay June 24, 2024 7:07 pm

    s1 and s2 were amazing. s3 is like we took some steps backwards but i'm still enjoying it. really looking forward to what's gonna happen next

    kat June 24, 2024 7:56 pm
    s1 and s2 were amazing. s3 is like we took some steps backwards but i'm still enjoying it. really looking forward to what's gonna happen next Jay

    Perfect reveiw, I couldn't quite figure out how I feel about Season 3 but you summed it up quite well. It feels like Jeoh's character development, took some steps back. And how he treated that kid, I don't feel like that's how he would have treated him based on S1 & 2.

    Jay June 24, 2024 8:49 pm
    Perfect reveiw, I couldn't quite figure out how I feel about Season 3 but you summed it up quite well. It feels like Jeoh's character development, took some steps back. And how he treated that kid, I don't feel... kat

    true, i actually expected more of him but can't completely blame him for how he acted. i mean he did way better than others did to him, but still could do way better since he knows how that kid must've felt. still can't deny his character development. so proud that he is trying his best, but them not having a proper conversation about their feelings after all they've been through, and the whole thing that happened with him when so reok was out felt like going backwards. hope things get better (:

    Jay June 24, 2024 9:20 pm
    true, i actually expected more of him but can't completely blame him for how he acted. i mean he did way better than others did to him, but still could do way better since he knows how that kid must've felt. st... Jay

    seong rok*

    Cherry June 24, 2024 10:23 pm
    Perfect reveiw, I couldn't quite figure out how I feel about Season 3 but you summed it up quite well. It feels like Jeoh's character development, took some steps back. And how he treated that kid, I don't feel... kat

    I think it’s a very smart move though, this is a psychological manhwa and jeho’s character is brilliant. Everything he does makes sense and it might upset a lot of people but this arc is basically him wondering if he should take the same path as the woman or not. It’s not even step backs he’s just making the sacrifices needed to survive and it’s weighing on him.