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Dude the sex scenes are just so sad to see. Idk I like that author made the seme bad at se...

Ani June 24, 2024 7:10 am

Dude the sex scenes are just so sad to see. Idk I like that author made the seme bad at sex but too much time has passed to be still bad at sex like at least show some improvement. Recent sidestory showing him thinking about doing no foreplay and just ramming it in??? Like what. The sex scenes look so selfish and catered towards the top it's genuinely just sad for seonwoo. Seonwoo always looks like he is fighting for his life when they fuck. Maybe honestly I am spoilt by the seme in Neighbors rice cake. I have never seen such a non selfish top during sex. Oh well.I hope the author gets well. Whatever she is going through seems painful as fuck.
