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Ehhh binghe-like?

Loeix June 24, 2024 3:34 am

I thought he would be a lot more…stoic. This man is basically like having feral rottweiler that only adores it owner and bites everyone else.
I mean…it’s kinda cute, in a puppy way that reminds me of Binghe from SVSS, but also kind of annoying, also like Binghe, because his obsession with you causes trouble for everyone else…(−_−;)

    Hopeless_shipper June 24, 2024 3:55 am

    Naur i won't take this binghe slander don't compare lord luo to this pile of trash, he has more communication issues that shen yuan and less respect for his spouse than binghe

    Fandom binghe might get reduced to being like this guy but open your eyes, as a binghe truther they couldn't be further apart