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It.Me June 23, 2024 10:02 pm

The further I read, the less certain I become of what the actual fvck is going on. It's strange bc this aspect hasn't made me lose interest in continuing after 30+ chapters. The author sprinkles crumbs of detail and you can't help but try to sort everything into it's assumed place so you can understand what's going on, but the thing is.. with each new piece of information, you have to re-sort everything you thought you figured out previously. ¯_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯ It's a mind fvck for sure, but it puts you in the head space of the MC, which is kind of cool. Now we are both fvcking lost/clueless and uncertain together. Yay us.(´༎෴༎) lol I'm really looking forward to reading more, I like mysteries and while this has zero fluff, my sensitive self is doing ok [so far].
