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I like this story, but so many people ignoring massive red flags

SuraVer June 23, 2024 9:15 pm

I re-read this, and man, so many people are saying things like romantic and sweet. ML has so many red flags it hurts.


Ok he didn’t know MC was drugged, but he still raped him, he was saying stop. And he raped him again, even the story says “just because you came it’s not consensual” and covers it up with MC basically thinking “I think i didn’t not like it”
He gets manipulated (which ML plots outright instead of talking to MC honestly and upfront)
He gets locked up, everybody looks at him like he is an idiot (when given the information, he is right to think the red head is the dad) and everyone is fine not telling him that he is in fact getting married. Like yeah, you wanted to stop the rumours, but you couldn’t talk to him after he woke up? He even keeps it a secret that he is the dad for some bullshit reason.
They never learn to communicate. The conclusion is we like each other so everything is okay.
And in the side story, ML has sex with MC again, fully knowing he is drugged, showing, that he still barely has any respect for MC and is just obsessed.

And the “I love you because are so kind/you tormented me so I thought you hate me” which is it? Is he kind or is he an asshole to you? Or did he switch it up? What was he like before, if being blackmailed into sex is considered kind?
And the lack of empathy “I don’t care about the serial killer on the loose, murder and rape. In fact it’s better like this, the lives of innocent people are the basis of my blackmail.” And the reveal at the end that ML basically knew his step bro was the killer? Was that supposed to be cool/smart? You are a psycho, you let him go on with his rampage, just so you could play with MC? WHEN YOU KNEW MC WAS HIS TRUE TARGET? Man. You CRAZY crazy.

In conclusion I like this story, but more as a parody, because the way MC behaves and ignores as ML and literally every side character disrespects him and his trauma (which being drugged blacking out and waking up not remembering sex should be) is funny, feels like a parody of 90% of BL. And i love the cute airhead MC. I kinda like the ML too, he is an interesting starting point, i just wish he would’ve had a character arc, and become a bit more respectful and less manipulative and obsessive (or at least had a more romantic obsession, not the I don’t care about what you want, but i want/need you.) And yeah i like the cute moments, but I can’t ignore this all shit behind them like MC.

Did I overthink this? Yes. But after binge reading this today, i had to share my thoughts. ( ̄∇ ̄")
