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This hurts me because I feel like the author will make it so Jin meets Capo while he's unc...

nickiq452 June 23, 2024 8:51 pm

This hurts me because I feel like the author will make it so Jin meets Capo while he's unconscious, so they will never get to actually share their verbal interaction in months

    SandyTree June 23, 2024 11:45 pm


    Chaerin is conscious when Jin rescues him, and SPOILER SPOILER they have a little confession scene it seems. Charin pushes for a confession.

    i hate harems June 24, 2024 2:37 am
    SPOILERChaerin is conscious when Jin rescues him, and SPOILER SPOILER they have a little confession scene it seems. Charin pushes for a confession. SandyTree


    Ichigo4444 June 24, 2024 4:18 am
    SPOILERChaerin is conscious when Jin rescues him, and SPOILER SPOILER they have a little confession scene it seems. Charin pushes for a confession. SandyTree

    It gets better than that.

    SPOILERS FOR 25 based off of MTL

    After the confession Jin was malfunctioning due to confusion about what Charin was from him because of Charin's previous suicide threats. So Charin pretty much spins it to him as he's just super horny so he won't kill himself if he has sex with Jin while crying on him.

    They end up having sex with Charin (unlike with Hyehan) fully participating, i.e kissing him, touching himself. The only part that's kind of sad in the chapter is after Charin ominously tells Jin to finish inside because he was to 'cover it' and after he does he puts more inside. Which Jin thought it was because Hyehan taught him that (since Hyehan led him to believe he and Charin had been having loving sex) but Charin's revealed to be crying. Jin calms him down a bit by talking nonsense but Charin starts shaking again we he mentions just the two of them. This led me to believe Charin won't tell Jin he's pregnant and if he even lives far along enough to give birth he won't tell Jin Hyehan impregnated him.

    After they finish they talk a bit, Jin has big plans of what they'll do and Charin pokes holes in his 'plan' and when Jin asks Charin for his ideas Charin starts off by establishing Jin may not even like him romantically (I like that Charin was serious about wanting to get know Jin). Charin's starts off with getting off the pentatonic but before he can continue he noticed roboGF behind Jin.

    I hope this gives you guys a little hope.

    SandyTree June 24, 2024 7:00 am
    It gets better than that.SPOILERS FOR 25 based off of MTLAfter the confession Jin was malfunctioning due to confusion about what Charin was from him because of Charin's previous suicide threats. So Charin prett... Ichigo4444

    OMG thank you! I've only seen clips of ch. 25 on Weibo T w T

    tiredrandom June 24, 2024 10:37 pm
    It gets better than that.SPOILERS FOR 25 based off of MTLAfter the confession Jin was malfunctioning due to confusion about what Charin was from him because of Charin's previous suicide threats. So Charin prett... Ichigo4444

    What, Jin thinks Charin liked snake guy? That's so horrible :(
    He suffered so much by his hand and Jin thinks they were lovers? I'm getting even more sad for Charin T-T

    Ichigo4444 June 25, 2024 1:18 am
    What, Jin thinks Charin liked snake guy? That's so horrible :( He suffered so much by his hand and Jin thinks they were lovers? I'm getting even more sad for Charin T-T tiredrandom

    Actually that part was actually funny it happens next chapter but....

    While fighting Jin, Hyehan realizes Jin is the person in Charin's letters. He decides to goad him by telling him and Charin have been having crazy amounts of sex and Charin enjoyed it. Jin retorts by telling him if Charin enjoyed it, it's fine but Jin actually is upset about it which leads him to go straight to trying to cut off his dick when he gets the upper hand.
    Jin's confusion more or less in due to his inability empathize with Charin l can't blame him and I can't blame Charin either. Jin was kicked out of the daycare because of that flaw, Jin doesn't even understand his own emotions he calculates everything he says to Charin to aim for his desired outcome (Charin not dying).

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 1:39 am
    Actually that part was actually funny it happens next chapter but....While fighting Jin, Hyehan realizes Jin is the person in Charin's letters. He decides to goad him by telling him and Charin have been having ... Ichigo4444

    Yeah, i went back to chapter 22 and 23
    Jin believed so easily T-T

    Hope you don't mind but i sent a message privately before lol I didn't want to drag on comments too much with my ramblings xD

    SandyTree June 25, 2024 6:42 am
    Yeah, i went back to chapter 22 and 23Jin believed so easily T-T Hope you don't mind but i sent a message privately before lol I didn't want to drag on comments too much with my ramblings xD tiredrandom

    No pls drag on , it's entertaining and I'm learning a lot

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 3:15 pm
    No pls drag on , it's entertaining and I'm learning a lot SandyTree

    omg xDXDDD

    Most part was just ranting how snake guy is a rapist who even made Jin believe Charin liked doing with him... he even dared to imply that Charin because he is an Elite body so needed to accept " his fate " so he could live. And that Charin would became unhappy/depressed if he wasn't being dicked down by him....
    This irked me because he was raping Charin??? And Charin mental took a tool and was seeing himself as just a piece of meat? .... THE NERVE OF HIMMM it really angered me.
    Charin is trying to be alive for Jin.

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 5:43 pm
    omg xDXDDDMost part was just ranting how snake guy is a rapist who even made Jin believe Charin liked doing with him... he even dared to imply that Charin because he is an Elite body so needed to accept " his ... tiredrandom

    Hey, after some digging maaaaybe Jin doesn't have the notion snake guy and charin were doing loving sex ... Charin does say to him he had it rough so ...
    It seems Jin uses kr slangs and it's hard to translate those using mtl.

    But i'm not korean. We can only confirm after english translation of chapter 23 releases it ... where he reunites with Charin.

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 5:44 pm
    What, Jin thinks Charin liked snake guy? That's so horrible :( He suffered so much by his hand and Jin thinks they were lovers? I'm getting even more sad for Charin T-T tiredrandom

    Hey, after some digging maaaaybe Jin doesn't have the notion snake guy and charin were doing loving sex ... Charin does say to him he had it rough so ...
    It seems Jin uses kr slangs and it's hard to translate those using mtl.

    But i'm not korean. We can only confirm after english translation of chapter 23 releases it ... where he reunites with Charin.

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 5:47 pm
    Hey, after some digging maaaaybe Jin doesn't have the notion snake guy and charin were doing loving sex ... Charin does say to him he had it rough so ... It seems Jin uses kr slangs and it's hard to translate t... tiredrandom

    damn i thought i could delete duplicated reply lol

    SandyTree June 25, 2024 7:27 pm
    omg xDXDDDMost part was just ranting how snake guy is a rapist who even made Jin believe Charin liked doing with him... he even dared to imply that Charin because he is an Elite body so needed to accept " his ... tiredrandom

    Yeah, Hyehan really demolished Charin. If I was born with extra erogenous zones and raped for weeks on end, I'd also feel like just a piece of pleasure meat . Thank god Charin toughed it through like a champ thanks to Jin's letter. The good thing to come out of this is that Charin is finally willing to confess, instead of letting his pride and masculinity complex get in their way like usual. The two of them has been horny for each other for a long time.

    Hyehan is a dick and I think Jin can see through his bs for the most part. Though it's so funny to me that Charin's confession confuses Jin so much hahah. I know Tehir and the other guys from kindergarten called him a psychopath who struggles with empathy, but I'm wondering if he's just autistic. He's seems cold and nonchalant, but he does care about his team. But he makes other neurotypicals uncomfortable, so Charin has literally beaten into him that he needs to mask how smart he is by acting like a complete moron/fool.

    And the rape baby?? I didn't see it coming in the first chapter, but at this point the concept of receptors and omni-breeders in itself is giving unhinged omegaverse lol. Now that I think of it, Charin is basically kinda a hermaphrodite huh. But fr, can't he get an abortion, or was that buried 90 years ago along with all the women Hyehan doesn't deserve to be so happy about it...

    Man this series is wild. It's hard to know what to expect out of the worldbuilding, and I when a story can keep me guessing. I sooo hope Charin makes it out of this alive TT TT. Jin + him are so cute together, and I'm such a sucker for the golden retriever (Jin) x tsundere cat (Charin) dynamics.

    tiredrandom June 25, 2024 8:36 pm
    Yeah, Hyehan really demolished Charin. If I was born with extra erogenous zones and raped for weeks on end, I'd also feel like just a piece of pleasure meat . Thank god Charin toughed it through like a champ th... SandyTree

    Jin Charin has my heart. Their mutual pinning, being the reason of life of each other.

    Snake guy i only wish death. Bah-bye asshole.

    Yeah, Autistic Jin makes sense too ! And even though they were poor his childhood with the gang was happier than the one he was having in the daycare. He is fooling himself to be dumb but he seems genuinely happy having that simple life.

    Oh man, the unwanted pregnancy, i really felt the author was cruel with that one.
    I do think they have abortion in their world, i mean they are sci fi world, but i don't see any bl comics with mpreg/omegaverse that actually let them abort. They always end s up magically accepting even thought they didn't want to get pregnant

    Ichigo4444 June 25, 2024 10:23 pm
    Yeah, Hyehan really demolished Charin. If I was born with extra erogenous zones and raped for weeks on end, I'd also feel like just a piece of pleasure meat . Thank god Charin toughed it through like a champ th... SandyTree

    Past!Jin being an actual psychopath will never not be funny. They said it that way but his mannerisms definitely put him closer to the spectrum of psychopath than autistic, he has lack of empathy, calculated mannerisms, inability for form true relationship etc. New!Jin shows the same qualities but he was able to 'fix' himself a little by iintergrating instead of trying to dominate but the only thing that really changed is that he found something that interests him which was Charin.

    Charin being honest has been so cute, during the end of the chapter when he's flirting with Jin he ears and neck were completely red. That fact that after kissing has been a no-no with Hyehan but with Jin he was not only constantly trying to kiss but also calling Jin name the entire time was sweet.

    My current theory is that Charin won't tell Jin about the pregnancy at all. He'll let Jin believe the baby is his (if he makes it that long) but I doubt he'll try to abort just because Charin himself was a rejected child. I hope there's a happy ending in store for them, Charin doesn't necessarily have to die for Jin to go to the security place Charin's sick and Jin's looking to cure him and Tehir' s playing it as 'I want to torture you' but we know he likes Jin so he might try to strike a deal.

    SandyTree June 26, 2024 10:45 am
    Past!Jin being an actual psychopath will never not be funny. They said it that way but his mannerisms definitely put him closer to the spectrum of psychopath than autistic, he has lack of empathy, calculated ma... Ichigo4444

    OMg YES it's so cute!! I love honest Charin and I want MAURR