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Like everyone else on here

President of claude loving101 June 23, 2024 9:56 am

I am throughly frustrated with the ML and that Ian guy too. Can they not like put their stupid romantic rivel bull crap ego aside for camellia for like a day and LET HER SEE HER MOTHER???? ML WTF ARE YOU DOING HIDING LETTERS FROM HER TO HER MOM AGAIN?!?! Also the revolution plot was so fun to read about too because so much could have played for her in that after finally getting revealed as a women in society and one that is a bastard in specifically the slums area over there. They're definitely should have been a time skip after her getting to revealed that she's a women, the king finding out and THEN being like you actually um can't get married to the ML because of you slum blood AAANNNDDD then FINALLY seeing her mother and helping with the cause even man. The guy in charge of said revolution was questionable for suuurreee, he wasn't my favorite BUT he was fun to keep reading about and discover like the more reason why or why he's just super gray then. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PRINCESS AND MLs MOTHER. HEY MAM YOU NEED ANOTHER PARTNER FOR LIFE CAUSE I AM AVAILABLE!!! Anyway, I thought this story was finally wrapping it up and it SHOWS so far that that was probably going to be the case but not anymore now. Seriously the drama in this series was good and now FL can't even yell and scream at the shitty hem with all her heart LIKE SHE DESERVED TO THANKS TO THE R
