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This is why i hate love triangle

Myriz June 23, 2024 6:26 am

I actually like Ian with Jo so much.. Okay srsly talk, tbh i dont like how Ian is giving hope to Jo.. When Jo said he likes him, he reply with "i do like you" and then segs happened.. I mean, if u still like TJ, pls be consistent and like TJ.. Dont confuse Jo, its hurt seeing them like this

    Plumy June 23, 2024 6:36 am

    The thing is, Ian can still cater feeling for both at the same time though, just because he says he likes someone doesn't mean he can't like another. He's not in love yet. Jo is new, while tj is familiarity. So he's not confusing anyone nor giving false hope because Ian himself does indeed like Jo and might even see something more but he's afraid too.

    Nanalu June 23, 2024 1:14 pm

    Just because he's confused doesn't justify giving Jo false hope (which he does).

    Asking for a kiss to "check something" from someone who obviously likes him is going to confuse the other person. If he ends up with a "positive" resolution, then we have a couple, and if he doesn't, Jo's feelings are crushed once again...