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art style

honest orthodontist June 22, 2024 11:53 pm

i really really really liked how the art style began. but over time, it felt more mechanical. the story was super cute and adorbs, don't get me wrong. but I just wished the art stayed the same/got better...not worse lol

    DaLoneWolfSinz June 23, 2024 5:54 am

    Aaah I do see what you mean with them being more stiff, what's really been bugging me tho is the backgrounds and models for food and whatnot, sometimes they look so out of place to the characters and the one plate with only left over sauce on had some hard shadows under the sauce that made it look like it was floating on the plate haha (I still love this story tho so I'm okay looking past it!) There were also times in the last few chapters where I noticed it looked like they had some sort of model for the characters that they drew over, making them appear super stiff. But again, I love the story and this is just my speculation and what I picked up on while reading! ໒꒰"՞ . .՞꒱ა I can easily look past it

    honest orthodontist June 24, 2024 5:52 am
    Aaah I do see what you mean with them being more stiff, what's really been bugging me tho is the backgrounds and models for food and whatnot, sometimes they look so out of place to the characters and the one pl... DaLoneWolfSinz

    no i absolutely agree. i can look past it, but I do wish it stayed more playful and had more emotion than be so stiff. but yes, i loveeee the story so i can look past it <3