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Su Ae owes nothing to Dohwa.

I write essays when angry June 22, 2024 9:57 pm

Su Ae owes nothing to him.
She never saw him in that way. She saw him as a friend that's it. She goes to his house because to her, they're just friends and friends hang out at each other's home. She doesn't realize it earlier because:
1- she has a boyfriend who she loves a lot.
2- she probably never thought he could like her.
3- her low self-esteem from the beginning so once again to the point 2.
Just in general, I truly think people are directing their anger at the wrong thing. Like yes you can feel sad for Dohwa but please, saying that Su Ae tricked/played with his feeling? No.
Like, please. She's dense because she already has someone that she loves. And I can't stress enough on the fact that: SU AE OWES NOTHING TO DOHWA.
He can like her, yes, but it doesn't mean she has to like him back. She likes him, but not romantically. Just platonic.
I honestly hate the second ml that keeps going for the fl even when they're already happy with someone else. That just tells me that, he doesn't love her. Like if you love her you would be happy for her, not keep shooting your shot when she's clearly with someone else and happy. Not trying to get her from someone else.
Honestly, I feel like the author is really trying to milk out of this dead love triangle. Like Su Ae is already with someone. Now make Dohwa go with another girl heck even a dude! Just, ugh, can't do this anymore.
This love triangle is so over. Like Su Ae found love and is loved. Enough of this nonsense love triangle, that we all knew who was going to win.
Let me also just say, if in the future Su Ae and Dohwa somehow actually gonna end up together, imma flip. Nothing against Dohwa, but... He kinda looks like her adoptive sister so I always found him annoying to look at.

Anyway , sorry for the long ass rant. But, honestly tired of TikTok and the comments keep insulting Su Ae. She has done nothing wrong. Love Su Ae. That's all.

Edit 1: Before anyone comes at me for the "if he loves her, he would give up on her and move on", and say "well you would be like him too".
No. I wouldn't. I was in a similar situation before, so I know, how hard it is to move on, but if you truly care for the person you claim to love, you would try and eventually accept and move on that they're in love and happy with someone else.

Edit 2: Also if you guys can't stand having your baby Dohwa heart broken by her, just go read fanfiction, hell character ai exist. Just dawg... I'm so mad at the Su Ae hate. She doesn't deserve it. She's a great character, and honestly, I genuinely believe that no matter who she chose someone will always hate her, and not the fucking author who's clearly milking the hell out of a graveyard love triangle. Like they're literally using the smallest crumbs to keep fueling this dying donkey. Like... Just stop. Put that writing to something else. Like, write how emotionally hard and mature you have to be to move on from a unreciprocated love. Like I would much rather read that than a guy who's dragging himself to a grave. Like he confesses and this will either make their relationship awkward or more drama. Like... Ugh... I can predict this so well that, I don't even have to read the next chapter and I know what is going to happen. It's just... Predictable.
