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truly believe that the mother loved her son so much, I know something must have happened i...

Mayonaise_Chicken June 22, 2024 9:03 pm

truly believe that the mother loved her son so much, I know something must have happened in the mother's childhood to make her like this, because she married the father with no love and only focused on painting which was like her only freedom, and slowly she realized she had a wonderful son and the only person who cared about her painting her freedom and she loved that he shared the same feeling. But having her wrists broken she began to go back to her previous state of depression and having lost her freedom she lost it and accidentally took it out on her child. I knows she still loves him because she would cut back to her old and loving self when accidentally shouting him and then back to her mean one over and over again. She finally had enough, said some hurtful things she didn't mean and died. I 100% don't blame the mother for anything all she needed was help. I feel bad for the Seme, but he did get some wonderful moments with her and I hope he remembers it...

Wow this was long, sorry the moms story really hits close to home, got a little emotional their oops

    Kiana June 23, 2024 10:00 am

    Bro was so into it even posted it twice

    Mayonaise_Chicken June 23, 2024 7:30 pm
    Bro was so into it even posted it twice Kiana

    What really lol, prolly internet problems lol