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ahhhhh fuck you got me there. The resemblance of it to Far away home got me dying. this is...

Erishia June 22, 2024 7:56 pm

ahhhhh fuck you got me there. The resemblance of it to Far away home got me dying. this is too much, I literally bawl my eyes. This is so good that I cried for an hour. Goodness, I'm glad that they met again in their new lifetime - where they could be happy.

The dialogue had me dying especially in chapter 46. I feel some sort of knife being pushed in my heart while reading. Plus the 49 chapter where they are in the sea. Goodness, I remember the home far away and immediately cried.

If the author is wondering if the readers get what they meant in this story as well as the metaphor, I totally get it. Thanks for this wonderful story. I'm so sad yet happy. The reincarnation was unexpected but I thank you for it. At least the pain was less than other way around.
