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Ines, Emiliano, Carcel

HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:40 pm

EDIT: I do not hate any of the main characters, especially Ines. I’ve read a lot of angst stories and I enjoy them. And I especially enjoy morally gray characters like Ines. She clearly feels remorse for what she did in her past life.

Thanks to that person again for new info, I love novel readers. I found out today that Ines sexually assaulted/ raped Emiliano, yet the manhwa passed it off as a scene where it’s not really saying that it was a non-con scene. Ines trespassed Emiliano’s room and went on him. I actually don’t remember why he even fell for her so quick, if anyone wants to explain, thank you! It’s chapter 11 and Emiliano said: “I can’t help myself from falling in love with you.”

That explains why she feels guilty, not love towards Emiliano. She knows she did something disgusting and horrible, and used Emiliano. This was in her previous life. And this is most likely also why she doesn’t want to see Emiliano, both of them will live their own life happily and never cross paths again. She also risked her baby and Emiliano’s life by choosing him as her affair partner. I think he was killed because of her infidelity. I hope the manhwa doesn’t change this.

“She didn’t. She even told him to shut up when he cried out in fright. He knew she was the crown prince’s fiance and he got scared. Even worse, when he saw the blood from her hymen, he started to cry again talking about he committed a grave sin. Ines continue to do her work to make him enjoy the sex and he gave in to his lust. Manhwa covered up most of it but that’s why she’s drawn sitting on top of him with a cold, emotionless expression and he was crying underneath her.”

At the same time she’s suffering too and doesn’t care for her own vagina bleeding. This was such a dark scene but a lot of readers don’t see it as much because 1. They don’t pay attention, and 2. The manhwa covered a lot up, it’s not as detailed as the novel itself.

This is particularly also why a lot of Korean readers disliked Ines’ actions. I’ve seen some talking about that and how Carcel is one of the best MLs. And I can’t say enough that he is. I love how he loved Ines in every lifetime and that they were each other’s first in their first timeline.

People forget that the one who gets the most development is none other than Ines. She’s a morally gray character, she feels remorse for her past actions and she’s developed a lot thanks to Carcel’s aid and respect towards her. I plan to reread this once it’s completed and I’ll hop over to the novel version.

    Fatcooch June 22, 2024 6:10 pm

    Holy shet… I ain know alldat thanks for shining light on this and for not trashing her at the same time( ˘ω˘ )

    Mimi June 22, 2024 6:16 pm

    Gworlll ongg?? Thats wildd

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 6:21 pm

    Novel readers don’t go as far as call it rape. It’s murky so we call it dubious consent. To be clear, she went to his room stark naked one night and when she entered the room, he cried out in fright. Remember she’s a different status which is the highest nobility. When he cried out, she basically told him to shut up otherwise the servants will hear. She then proceeded to use her experience to seduce him. Some like to take the positive light that she seduced him. Others straight up say it was dubious consent because he never invited her into his bedroom. The fact that he gave into lust and started to say how beautiful she is makes some readers gloss over clear consent.

    This is why most of us say dubcon. But imagine if the gender was reversed. Would readers call it dubious consent or something more serious if a man went naked to a virgin girl room and proceeded to seduce her even after she cried out in fright. Since she gives in to sexual stimulation and get into the sex, wgat does that make it? So most of us settle on dubcon because he began to enjoy the sex.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:25 pm
    Novel readers don’t go as far as call it rape. It’s murky so we call it dubious consent. To be clear, she went to his room stark naked one night and when she entered the room, he cried out in fright. Rememb... StoryofMinglan

    On point. I wasn’t sure so I said sexual assault/rape. If it was a ML who did that, it’s already RAPE. So there’s coercion, using her status and the power dynamic, and more. Yikes. Also thank you so much for explaining, and should I read the novel? How long is it?

    I’ve read a 500 chapter novel and I’m still recovering.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:26 pm
    Holy shet… I ain know alldat thanks for shining light on this and for not trashing her at the same time( ˘ω˘ ) Fatcooch

    Yeah she’s a morally gray character, it’s hard for me to hate her. Trauma after trauma.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:26 pm
    Gworlll ongg?? Thats wildd Mimi

    The reply below you explains it better. It’s true, I don’t think it’s exactly rape but it is definitely coercion/sexual assault.

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 6:28 pm

    He fell for her beauty. I like to say he fell for her sex because right away the next morning he was declaring his love. So I guess a combination of the sex and beauty.

    That’s why I laugh when people say Carcel fell for her because of the wet dream. Ines didn’t even realize he loved her until her near death experience. He didn’t claim he love her after their first night together either.

    Author said Ines learned to love the painter after they ran away together. He was literally the only man in the world in their fugitive life. Moreover, author said that he treated her the opposite of Oscar and Ines herself admit that she was looking for love first. She said she hung the frame first and then the painting. In other words, just about anyone who treated her nice and kindly would have made her fall for them as long as they were good looking.

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 6:31 pm
    On point. I wasn’t sure so I said sexual assault/rape. If it was a ML who did that, it’s already RAPE. So there’s coercion, using her status and the power dynamic, and more. Yikes. Also thank you so much ... HRAensn

    It has over 600 chapters. :)

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:32 pm
    He fell for her beauty. I like to say he fell for her sex because right away the next morning he was declaring his love. So I guess a combination of the sex and beauty. That’s why I laugh when people say Carc... StoryofMinglan

    Wasn’t Carcel also being careful towards her during their first time? While Ines was telling him to just do it.
    Yet people focus on his past, it’s infuriating.

    The moment they established a relationship, he never did anything with other women. People love to make issues. I don’t think what she felt for Emiliano was love, mainly because she never had it and as you said, she’d be happy if anyone treated her good. That isn’t enough to be love, it’s a sad situation she went through and would’ve accepted anyone that loved her for once.

    There’s many people like that, ones who’d crave for affection and choose those who like them.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:33 pm
    He fell for her beauty. I like to say he fell for her sex because right away the next morning he was declaring his love. So I guess a combination of the sex and beauty. That’s why I laugh when people say Carc... StoryofMinglan

    I don’t know how to explain it but I don’t think it’s love that she felt, she needed someone.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:34 pm
    It has over 600 chapters. :) StoryofMinglan

    Dear god, I do not wanna suffer again. How’d you manage to read all that? It’s probably not much for those who enjoy reading and takes time reading daily, but I haven’t read a good book thoroughly or routinely since middle school!

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 6:46 pm
    Wasn’t Carcel also being careful towards her during their first time? While Ines was telling him to just do it. Yet people focus on his past, it’s infuriating.The moment they established a relationship, he ... HRAensn

    The reason I say it’s love is because Ines calls it love. She also called what she felt for Oscar love. Granted, when it was only those two that she had to compare, she denigrated the love she once felt for Oscar. However, the kind of love that she felt for both of them pales in comparison to the kind of love Carcel teaches her. In the first place, as much as the story starts with Ines talking about love for the artist, we find out that Carcel’s love is the real deal and anything else is beneath the kind of love he shows. His love is by far the most impressive in the story. This is why Ines only changes because of his love. No one else has changed her. Only Carcel’s love changed her and it did so in a way that she is the one who wanted to change for him because she felt he deserved the best of herself.

    But in a way I also agree with what you said about her feelings for the painter. Before the flashback to the past when she rode her horse, she admitted that no matter how she dress up her past with Emiliano, it could never be compared to the days of her youth when she loved horseback riding and roaming the environs of Perez.

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 6:49 pm
    Dear god, I do not wanna suffer again. How’d you manage to read all that? It’s probably not much for those who enjoy reading and takes time reading daily, but I haven’t read a good book thoroughly or rout... HRAensn

    It’s also written in a style closer to classical literature. The text is so dense that some of us who read the novel debate endlessly over things. LOL. All of us agree in dubcon. However, not all of us agree on the impact of lived memories and given memories for example. The story is extremely deep especially with regression, memories as punishment and fate.

    HRAensn June 22, 2024 6:54 pm
    The reason I say it’s love is because Ines calls it love. She also called what she felt for Oscar love. Granted, when it was only those two that she had to compare, she denigrated the love she once felt for O... StoryofMinglan

    Yeah you’d need to be reading and analyzing well, and remembering well as well. My memory is butt and I’m only 19, too early for me to be forgetting things!

    Well explained. I mean yes it may still be somewhat of love but not the same one Carcel truly showed her and the way she felt for him is far different and not comparable.

    StoryofMinglan June 22, 2024 7:00 pm
    Yeah you’d need to be reading and analyzing well, and remembering well as well. My memory is butt and I’m only 19, too early for me to be forgetting things!Well explained. I mean yes it may still be somewha... HRAensn

    Exactly. Ines did eventually admit she “romanticized” her time with the painter.

    Eventually Ines will end up calling Carcel “My Life”. The Korean translators on Reddit say the words she used in her love confession about Carcel is so beautiful that the meaning is difficult to describe in English.

    inori June 22, 2024 8:54 pm

    Is the novel fully translated in English? I can't seem to find it? If you have a link, will share it with me?

    snapplecider June 23, 2024 10:21 pm

    I wouldn't say she risked their baby's life. When she seduced him to help her run away, she didn't have a child so that decision did not risk their baby's life. It was the painter's decision that risked their baby's life. He was going to run away with the baby and leave Ines bc he knew he couldn't make her happy. Whenever they talk, she talks about how she loves her brother more than him and about her horse. Basically it sounded like when she talked to the painter, she talked about how good her life was before and the painter can see he couldn't make her happy so he was going to leave her. He told Carcel. That's why Ines was waiting at the dock alone bc she thought she was waiting for the painter to come to run away but at that time he told Carcel to take Ines and take their baby to him so he can leave with the baby and let Ines return to her old life but the painter got cold feet with his own plan and ran back to Ines, then he got killed.

    HRAensn June 24, 2024 1:38 am
    I wouldn't say she risked their baby's life. When she seduced him to help her run away, she didn't have a child so that decision did not risk their baby's life. It was the painter's decision that risked their b... snapplecider

    Carcel best ML in story period. And thanks for the explanation! And didn’t she kill her baby before being in the current timeline? But I agree that she didn’t risk her baby’s life beforehand. I don’t remember well.

    StoryofMinglan June 24, 2024 1:47 am
    Carcel best ML in story period. And thanks for the explanation! And didn’t she kill her baby before being in the current timeline? But I agree that she didn’t risk her baby’s life beforehand. I don’t re... HRAensn

    Yes, she killed her baby at the end of the previous life then killed herself.

    Regarding the artist, Carcel had offered to bring the child to him so that the child would survive. However, the guy didn’t follow Carcel’s plan and ran back to Ines despite how dangerous the situation was. That’s when Luciano was on the scene and killed him. He could have survived if he had followed the plan Carcel laid out but no, he had no self-control and didn’t think of the fact that he was the last refuge for the child. They knew it was dangerous because Carcel himself was on the scene earlier because he was ordered to bring back Ines to face the imperial family. It wasn’t him alone. There were other soldiers in the area.

    HRAensn June 24, 2024 2:08 am
    Yes, she killed her baby at the end of the previous life then killed herself. Regarding the artist, Carcel had offered to bring the child to him so that the child would survive. However, the guy didn’t follow... StoryofMinglan

    What a tragic ending. I know many want Emiliano and Ines to meet but considering what Ines did to him and their previous tragic life, she wouldn’t want to meet him out of guilt. I think it’s good they don’t ever meet again in this life, it’s for the best.