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Worth staying around

Yuki June 22, 2024 1:44 pm

They end up as the cutest most powerful couple with a beautiful strong child. It’s 100% worth the read, especially since ml did not think of mc as anything more than a disciple until he was of age… so no purposeful grooming going on lol

    Nastrayln June 23, 2024 10:13 pm

    Would you mind spoiling something for me? I clicked one of the pics and noticed a child… how did they have child? Surrogate? Just curious! It’s definitely on my list to read eventually!

    Bingmei June 23, 2024 11:12 pm
    Would you mind spoiling something for me? I clicked one of the pics and noticed a child… how did they have child? Surrogate? Just curious! It’s definitely on my list to read eventually! Nastrayln

    ML got the MC pregnant, but turns out the child might eat and kill the MC from the womb when it's about to be birthed, so the ML wanna kill the child but the MC wanna live with the child so in the end the did a thing similar to c-section in giving birth.

    Nastrayln June 23, 2024 11:31 pm
    ML got the MC pregnant, but turns out the child might eat and kill the MC from the womb when it's about to be birthed, so the ML wanna kill the child but the MC wanna live with the child so in the end the did a... Bingmei

    So it’s an omegaverse?!? Gotcha! Thank you!! Guess the era through me off!

    Shark June 24, 2024 12:22 am
    So it’s an omegaverse?!? Gotcha! Thank you!! Guess the era through me off! Nastrayln

    It's not an omegaverse at all. It's a good read though

    Mwahaminimi June 24, 2024 12:25 am
    So it’s an omegaverse?!? Gotcha! Thank you!! Guess the era through me off! Nastrayln

    It's not necessarily an omegaverse. It's just that the clan that Hwan comes from has the ability to procreate, because when they become mates (Mandela blossom) with demons and drink demon blood. This ritual activates their bodies to be fertile and become pregnant, even the males. So the Master gave him his seed and vuala, thus Hwan was pregnant. Lol

    Mwahaminimi June 24, 2024 12:25 am
    So it’s an omegaverse?!? Gotcha! Thank you!! Guess the era through me off! Nastrayln

    Think of it like Smyrna and Capri, but without the alpha and omega status.

    Bingmei June 24, 2024 4:25 am
    So it’s an omegaverse?!? Gotcha! Thank you!! Guess the era through me off! Nastrayln

    Nope, it's kinda like the ml took the mc as his one and only, I forgot what that's called, but because of that they're given the ability to be able to give birth once.

    Nastrayln June 24, 2024 4:33 am

    You guys are the best! And yea, I’m definitely gonna read it!! Just need a few I’m currently trying to read to end season etc!