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Honestly its so confusing. Everything is making me confused. Id like to point out that if ...

dead June 22, 2024 9:54 am

Honestly its so confusing. Everything is making me confused. Id like to point out that if she is zenos then it doesn't make sense. Procreator pointed out that they cant die yet if they didn't kill their love ones first. How'd she became zenos then if Abel is still alive.

    rave June 25, 2024 6:20 am

    maybe because Zenus have not died yet in this timeline. Procreator putting her in the other world doesnt mean she died in their original one? maybe it's like she got isekai'd in Korea with her body and soul intact. and then Zenus gets run over, but not everyone that gets run over dies, so she could just be in a coma? and maybe thats why only her soul is back to their original world bcos her body is useless now.

    this is a lot of maybe but its certainly possible that she didnt die yet, shes just world hopping lol