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miss the old art style and storyline

ryss June 22, 2024 6:16 am

will probs get some hate for this but whatevs. i started reading this manhwa bc of the art style and now its ugly/unoriginal. the storyline used to be sooooo good too but it has gotten so boring. its a shame i feel like this manhwa had a lot going for it

    kiyo 清 June 22, 2024 7:15 am

    i totally agree. this is one of the many poorly written stories that are very popular because of how gorgeous the art is. i’m a firm believer of pretty privilege in stories when it comes to some popular ones that are lacking in plot and originality. Even acknowledging this i’m still reading because the art is pretty so i mean in a sense i’m hypocritical but at least i’m aware. so many ppl are disliking your comment but i know they would feel the same if the art wasn’t as good/orginal

    simon June 22, 2024 8:53 am

    i think it pretty much looks the same but it tends to happen a lot when a story gets popular the art style worsens a bit. i personally dont think its boring but thats just bc i already like the characters so i dont need smth to be constantly happening. i kinda enjoy seeing their "daily life" type of thing with little to no drama at all. im sure smth will happen eventually thatll make it less boring for u but overall the story isnt bad and neither is the art style. everyone's entitled to their own opinions ! i just wonder where youre coming from with this

    ryss June 22, 2024 11:42 pm
    i think it pretty much looks the same but it tends to happen a lot when a story gets popular the art style worsens a bit. i personally dont think its boring but thats just bc i already like the characters so i ... simon

    if you compare the first chapter to the latest one you can see the difference. now it feels less cutesy? there was a lot more pink/rosey hues and the characters faces were very more animated and had more style whereas now the character design is less original. also i feel like the author uses presets where in beginning everything seems to be hand drawn. i dont really mind daily life but i feel like there should be some type of plot whereas now all that really is happening is yikyung is deciding whether to choose modeling or fine art. and even then the plot isnt very engaging. like how its written doesnt make it feel like he cares too much about either.