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unpopular opinion that I might regret later on: I kinda feel bad for Sejin?? I feel like ...

Nefi June 22, 2024 2:12 am

unpopular opinion that I might regret later on: I kinda feel bad for Sejin??

I feel like we don't really know what he's thinking yet, altho we just now got a glimpse of his Traumatic Backstory, but aside from the "because I'm ur boyfriend" guilttripping it doesnt feel like he's being THAT bad. like.... if I was dating someone and I knew their bestie was trying to break us up, yeah I'd tell them to keep their distance. and he did warn the uke (sry I forgot his name) about his fetishes, and even asked him if he wants to know what they are before agreeing to them.... idk, uke seems kinda shallow and like he's putting himself in this situation so I have no sympathy lmao
