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punpurin June 22, 2024 1:31 am

Okay so I want to take it back a couple chaps when the comments were saying Taerin was popular with the women (i'm sure she's pop with everyone that comment is just a hater) and Jooha & Sanghee (the red head) are popular with the men. It proves the red head is very attractive and more likable than the bob haired girl in their universe too. Which can also lead us to conclude that pathetic glasses guy fumbled by cheating on his hot and loyal fiance with the ugly bob hair (ugly on the outside and inside).

    punpurin June 22, 2024 1:34 am

    Oh and by comments i meant comments in the chap lol also Not saying that looks should dictate why someone's shouldn't cheat but you get what i mean... red head was the whole package and he fumbled bad.