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Totally called it on the toxin on my last comment! I don't think there is a toxin, or it d...

S-J-M June 21, 2024 11:35 pm

Totally called it on the toxin on my last comment! I don't think there is a toxin, or it definitely would have taken effect. Or his mother made it up to keep him from getting with a human or something.

    Lindo June 22, 2024 12:11 am

    But the whole imae clan and the folktales about them talk about the toxin?

    UwU June 22, 2024 12:26 am
    But the whole imae clan and the folktales about them talk about the toxin? Lindo

    maybe not the mother who made it but the clan who made it so they won’t get attached to human?

    st4rja3 June 22, 2024 3:33 am

    The toxin does exist

    S-J-M June 22, 2024 4:13 am
    The toxin does exist st4rja3

    Proof of this?

    st4rja3 June 22, 2024 4:59 am
    Proof of this? S-J-M

    In the novel I’m guessing the poison does work it just takes a while it starts with hand cramps and temporary paralysis someone spoiled it

    IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME! June 22, 2024 6:11 am
    Proof of this? S-J-M

    The first one is he will experience hand paralysis occasionally. Then next is the emperor will start coughing blood. The cure is… spoiler not gonna tell. Lol.

    ✿ ᒪᓰᒪ૪ ᕈᓰᗴ ✿ June 22, 2024 6:12 am
    The first one is he will experience hand paralysis occasionally. Then next is the emperor will start coughing blood. The cure is… spoiler not gonna tell. Lol. IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME!

    Come onnnnn~~

    UwU June 22, 2024 7:38 am
    The first one is he will experience hand paralysis occasionally. Then next is the emperor will start coughing blood. The cure is… spoiler not gonna tell. Lol. IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME!

    if u not gonna tell me, tonight you should sleep with your eyes open buddy

    IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME! June 22, 2024 8:40 am
    if u not gonna tell me, tonight you should sleep with your eyes open buddy UwU

    Lol. It’s the Imae’s horn not just any Imae’s horn but only the horn of a half blood.

    UwU June 22, 2024 9:56 am
    Lol. It’s the Imae’s horn not just any Imae’s horn but only the horn of a half blood. IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME!

    I see~ thanks for telling me, now u can sleep with your eyes closed buddy

    ✿ ᒪᓰᒪ૪ ᕈᓰᗴ ✿ June 22, 2024 11:16 am
    Lol. It’s the Imae’s horn not just any Imae’s horn but only the horn of a half blood. IF U TIE & LOCK ME UP, SUE ME!

    Is that why his horn get forcefully taken or so I heard or did he give it willingly?