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Writing or Translation issues?

ReviewRaptor June 21, 2024 10:55 pm

I am honestly not sure if it's the writing or the translations. Based on the grammar I would actually say it's the writing tho.

Things just seem VERY unrealistic in how anything is going here. It would not happen from what i know that an unidentifiable body is shown to a relative, which would be pointless AND mentally scarring. The behavior of the detective is weird and unprofessional, random even. Nothing is explained as to wtf an unregistered individual here even means and and the love interest that appears behaves REALLY really damn stupid and random. Kinda like a 13 year old would imagine a cool mafia dude being like yet only having MOMENTS of him behaving like a literal thug without anything making sense.

It's not pleasant to read. And i do NOT mean the translations. They seem decent enough, given we have no major grammar issues that pop out. So it ALL being a mistranslation cannot be the problem, especially since the pictures themselves do simply not make more sense even if we tried to make the text make more sense in our minds.

I think I'll wait for the official translations to be shown for one chapter, but I honestly do not think this is a good story.

    Uho June 23, 2024 5:59 am

    I have read multiple translations and apparently it’s the writing. I think you described it perfectly lol. Just gonna cut the author some slack since it’s their first time making a BL and hope they will work on their writing soon

    ReviewRaptor June 23, 2024 7:39 am
    I have read multiple translations and apparently it’s the writing. I think you described it perfectly lol. Just gonna cut the author some slack since it’s their first time making a BL and hope they will wor... Uho

    I figured! Usually you can tell if it's the writing since the pictures can give away wether it's just messy translations or the story itself, not always very easy tho I gotta say.
    I have hopes for the author tbh, the base story IS very interesting after all. Just needs some refinement and taking time to get from one scene to another in a smooth manner. :)