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I like reading dark yaoi

Bakugo Bitch June 21, 2024 9:03 pm

Love this harada aesthetic from the Korean, usually they aren't brave enough to create more dark yaoi. Like even with incest they always put "adopted, stepbro" into it. Though I hope it will end with pure Stockholm syndrome, i can handle it as long as the seme only put his attention towards his only prey

    bitch pls June 21, 2024 11:02 pm


    Bakugo Bitch June 21, 2024 11:09 pm

    Bro is taking fictional too serious if you dont like it why are you here knowing the content and then bitch about the people following the story

    bitch pls June 21, 2024 11:40 pm

    im here to check the comments haha, idk liking abusive stuff is a bit weird even if it’s all fiction. I was just being funny with my reply don’t take it to heart.

    jjklove June 23, 2024 8:49 pm
    im here to check the comments haha, idk liking abusive stuff is a bit weird even if it’s all fiction. I was just being funny with my reply don’t take it to heart. bitch pls

    its just preference and nothings wrong with that let them enjoy without judging them

    blueninja89 June 28, 2024 11:30 am

    This is not Harada coded or inspired. Harada does dark themes but they do not romanticize the experience or create gratuitous moments of excess for the sake of entertainment. They may ridicule, satirize, or add absurdity to prop up their dark narratives but again they do not write with the conclusive thought of a “romantic” narrative that’s the difference between many of the authors that utilize “dark themes” in this genre. There are exception to the rules among their works example being “Happy Shitty Life” but even with this plot the sexual violence is framed, look how ridiculous it is that we consider it humorous and unworthy of justice when men experience this violence but deserving of scorn otherwise and puts a mirror to the BL audience in boiling down their lack for better word love for sexual violence targeted towards men in their entertainment as a way of payback to their own as the fairer sex. It’s about context and using the author’s established themes to garner their point.

    Seeyiaa June 28, 2024 1:42 pm
    This is not Harada coded or inspired. Harada does dark themes but they do not romanticize the experience or create gratuitous moments of excess for the sake of entertainment. They may ridicule, satirize, or add... blueninja89

    Thank you, I was searching where tf is this story harada coded harada story is more to psychological and most of the endings are open ended, not to the point it romanticize shit.

    I remember reading nii-chan, I went from hating the teacher to like sympathize with him a lil bit cuz he's also a victim

    Korean authors however tends to romanticize every crimes that exists in this world

    blueninja89 June 28, 2024 6:34 pm
    Thank you, I was searching where tf is this story harada coded harada story is more to psychological and most of the endings are open ended, not to the point it romanticize shit. I remember reading nii-chan, I... Seeyiaa

    Admittedly is a very cultural thing. Which is why I side eye so many who defend oh it’s just fiction. Fiction is an extension of our thoughts expressed, as desire, catharsis, inspiration, etc. It is not just simply for example, “ the sex isn’t real silly why worry about them!” but what does the sex symbolize, why was it envisioned, who will read about this and think hey maybe if enough times I see this type of “sex” written maybe it’s a desired outcome. Maybe my partner like enjoy us trying out this clearly repeatedly desired approach to intimacy, or maybe this means this type of “sex” isn’t as bad as they say when it clearly is enjoyed, but just need someone to push you so you can give in without actually giving in to your desires. It’s literally the basis of bodice ripper novels beginning in the conservative 1950s and the basis of the “badboy/ womanizer” archetypes. But no one wants to have reading comprehension anymore all of this gets lost. That is to say this is an issue built into some East Asian cultures and is such a prevalent issue in South Korea of keeping up experiences same goes for Japan that we get soooo much porn centered around this phenomenon of romanticized sexual violence. So sexual violence is either swept under the rug or internalized and you end up with a country full of either repressed people or victims who have no outlet because their society won’t allow for healthy sexual expression. Just take the Burning Sun scandal that swept through South Korea a few years back, it was such a big deal because this sort of thing is NEVER openly discussed.

    Ari_B) June 28, 2024 11:22 pm
    its just preference and nothings wrong with that let them enjoy without judging them jjklove

    It ain’t that serious

    Bakugo Bitch June 29, 2024 3:04 am
    Thank you, I was searching where tf is this story harada coded harada story is more to psychological and most of the endings are open ended, not to the point it romanticize shit. I remember reading nii-chan, I... Seeyiaa

    Harada has other pen name, "paraiso" where she makes fucked up yaoi

    Bakugo Bitch June 29, 2024 3:05 am
    This is not Harada coded or inspired. Harada does dark themes but they do not romanticize the experience or create gratuitous moments of excess for the sake of entertainment. They may ridicule, satirize, or add... blueninja89

    Bro never read prime harada/paraiso. Bro trying to make harada as if she doesn't make fucked up yaoi. SHE'S THE MOTHER of fucked up yaoi, if you're senior fujo you know how fucked up her story was

    Bakugo Bitch June 29, 2024 3:09 am
    This is not Harada coded or inspired. Harada does dark themes but they do not romanticize the experience or create gratuitous moments of excess for the sake of entertainment. They may ridicule, satirize, or add... blueninja89

    I mean if there's human being who doesn't have enough intelligent to see the difference between fictional and reality it's on them

    Seeyiaa June 29, 2024 3:46 am
    Bro never read prime harada/paraiso. Bro trying to make harada as if she doesn't make fucked up yaoi. SHE'S THE MOTHER of fucked up yaoi, if you're senior fujo you know how fucked up her story was Bakugo Bitch

    This just what I think but authors have a lot of pen names. One works under one pen name usually have different kinda works. I remember reading this one shoujo author when I was a kid, only to realize the author have another name for drawing ecchi and hentai.

    Also people in the community knows harada for her way of writing dark stories, and I hardly even hear people describe harada as paraiso meaning the work under harada is what left a big impact on people. Also, mal listed paraiso as her doujin circle pen name

    People be throwing the "dark" especially in korean BL where abuse and rape is becoming so normal or part of the plot in korean manhwa that even, to the point it didn't feel dark anymore.