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Similar to that horror film "Megan" but fluffy bl lol

Shut up susan June 21, 2024 8:32 am

Em even doubting if the android feels soft lol This is like having a relationship to a bag or a pillow or a sex doll or a mannequin yk those typa freaky people who'd rather marry unalive things because they felt so perfect so they tryna find some THING that doesn't sin or have flaws. it's insane. The bottom may have no control over it cus he didn't buy it in the first place, but the idea is there.

I wish IT's not an android or maybe just a half human? He doesn't have a personality it's boring imo *( ,,-_-,,)

    st4rja3 June 24, 2024 1:08 am

    I mean I doubt he Feels mechanical sex toys are made of silicon and feel a lot like skin even sex dolls lol but he is boring asl