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These comments just hurt lol, I've been working on my emotions as of late and healing my i...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream June 21, 2024 5:30 am

These comments just hurt lol, I've been working on my emotions as of late and healing my inner child so when I'm very happy and feel like I can be comfortable and vulnerable with someone like I can be myself I'm just like the mc, we're also at around the same age, well, either way this is still just a manga, they're just fictional characters and it should never be this deep, the way y'all insult them literally, it's too much, especially since there are many people IRL just like this, some could be related to trauma or whatever else, also thinking about the Peter Pan syndrome, haa some people are genuinely sick so don't take it too far with your insults, be compassionate human beings. What I've read from y'all is really too much, you've been nicer to characters who actually committed crimes. This one is just existing being happy, are you against joy? Then stay in your unhappy place without blocking other's joy. You can be as stern and as rigid as you wish, we won't judge you, you still should let the ones who want to enjoy their lives have their space as well.

    chimmy June 21, 2024 9:30 pm

    I'm actually happy to see a character like him. It's not that he's naive, but he's just genuinely nice and still untainted by negativity. The type that you'd like to protect. Deep down I do want to be able to act like this, especially with people I'm comfortable with. But if I wanna survive in this cruel world then my shields are almost always up... Some people are just so twisted to read into things despite those things being innocent. Don't let those comments affect you too much :')

    Fuchuu June 27, 2024 8:54 pm

    Just wanted to respond to you because I can really sympathize with your pov. I think sometimes people can conflate "I don't like this character type" with "this character type doesn't feel realistic" And while shy ukes aren't really my preference I can absolutely understand why someone with no romantic experience would act like him. Even if someone's an adult they don't magically get super mature when dating if they've never done it before. There are real life people who are very sheltered/naive. There are real life gay men who are very feminine. Treating real people like they're doing something wrong for living how they want because it's a trope you don't like in FICTIONAL PORN is absolutely insane.

    But anyway there's nothing wrong with you being similar to the mc- it's much healthier to be genuine rather than force yourself to act ""mature"" for a relationship. People on this site are so terminally online sometimes this just isn't how most people in the world will think. A good person who's the right match for you will one day see your joy in your personality and think it's the cutest thing in the world.

    chimmy June 27, 2024 11:02 pm
    Just wanted to respond to you because I can really sympathize with your pov. I think sometimes people can conflate "I don't like this character type" with "this character type doesn't feel realistic" And whil... Fuchuu

    I agree!! Especially on the terminally online part lol some of these people seem like they dont have lives to live and friends to see. It's sad.

    IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream June 28, 2024 1:23 am
    I'm actually happy to see a character like him. It's not that he's naive, but he's just genuinely nice and still untainted by negativity. The type that you'd like to protect. Deep down I do want to be able to a... chimmy

    Oohh thank youu, honestly I was even afraid to read the replies I would have got since well I am being pretty vulnerable even right here hh thank you so much for your warm heartedness and understanding it truly makes me happy, also I understand what you mean you do need to be on guard sometimes, still it is tiresome after a while and I believe that having family/friends or just people you can be vulnerable with and simply enjoy life with, I think it's a must, or actually something even better, to simply love yourself and your life no matter how others view us, life is already burning us down enough, we gotta at least be us without caring about other's thoughts, simply being happy, when I see my little cousins who don't care and just enjoy their lives it really brings so much joy, just being with them, im glad they're happy, watching happy people feels so good too I love it, people being in love or being with their friends, there is so much beauty in this world I can't help but smile, sometimes it hurts to smile so much, but they do make me so unbelievably happy, im glad to see there are still so many humans being alive and happy also when they help take care of kids, the elderly, plants or animals, I love it! I hope you're happy too Chimmy, oh and is it Chimmy the character that Jimin drew? The yellow doggo~?

    IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream June 28, 2024 1:33 am
    Just wanted to respond to you because I can really sympathize with your pov. I think sometimes people can conflate "I don't like this character type" with "this character type doesn't feel realistic" And whil... Fuchuu

    Wow, I'm so surprised to come here and see not only so many likes but even such sweet responses, such understanding and compassion I definitely didn't expect that on the internet haha, im glad, thank you for your kindness, Fuchuu, I admire the way you spoke of this subject as well, yes it isn't your preference but you still understand how others are simply different and where their life experiences lead them to, I like your mature way of understanding the world
    I believe it is much needed specially nowadays haha, thank you once again, I think I'm really happy you replied to me, for some reason I'm not feeling so insecure anymore I guess haha, thank you!!

    chimmy June 28, 2024 11:05 am
    Oohh thank youu, honestly I was even afraid to read the replies I would have got since well I am being pretty vulnerable even right here hh thank you so much for your warm heartedness and understanding it truly... IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream

    You have such a kind heart