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I mean, I understand how Yata and Momo’s relationship is supposed to be like cute and wh...

Jia June 20, 2024 8:41 pm

I mean, I understand how Yata and Momo’s relationship is supposed to be like cute and wholesome but after learning about Momo’s past and why he acts that way…….it makes me feel a little uncomfortable whenever they have sex esp since we learn that Momo was forced into doing those things since he was a child.

Maybe I’m just too sensitive and I know that Harada is known for dark romance but child r@pe just isn’t the same as a consenting adult choosing to sell their body for money. Obviously this is fiction but we all know that child prostitution actually happens irl too so its not far from reality

    ReviewRaptor June 27, 2024 2:52 pm

    I think it would have been a healthier display if they at least had a talk about it and took things slow and romantic instead of bonking like bunnies in rut.
    But it IS a smut comic, so...yeah. Also: It's Harada. XD

    This is actually still one of the milder (if not THE mildest) thing Harada created. There WAS an absolute vile rape story too somewhere. Not with the MC turning into an ahegaHo cocksleeve with heart eyes, mind you. Absolutel terror and whatnot in the moment, tears and so on. Pretty sure that was the type of story that coined the term Harada-esque for all bad stories thereafter. ;v; *still emotionally scarred*
    Harada has an unpleasant skill in choosing uncomfrotable themes and integrating them into stories. Especially those that are simply too realistic. That's what makes the stories so hard to read: It comes across as real and it will remind you it is with many moments, nuances and overall tone.