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JINLOVEMITSUYA June 20, 2024 3:59 am

re-read again specific chapter 40-44 .why author need to added this rape scene .jo seong on completely a scumbag . i wasn't this mad before when i read it but now it's just showed korean love rape (and in real life that's reality something you don't know because you think their k-drama and k-pop are popular to some people ,the woman in korea confirmed it's not safe for woman there .their law not protecting woman,rapist only jail for several years recently i watched one of the rapist only got 7 years prisoner and even the worst case for rape involving minor gang rape it's still only several years and not all rapists will be in jail it's so funny the law syatem in korea). can't you imagine minor gang rape involving with more than 100 high school male student at the end only several of them get prison and only for several years .
