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Marionesa June 20, 2024 12:02 am

I mean... sure it's decent, not a bad read. But - it misses something. It felt a bit boring at times, probably since it lacked a clear conflict. It felt a bit all over the place. Most of all, why did they keep talking about how impossible it was with relationships between royals and commoners, only to then act like it's nothing in the end? He's heir to the throne and suddenly he can go and live a normal life with his beta boyfriend, even marrying him?

I think it would have have been a better story if either Joo-in was an omega from a poor family, and the story would revolve around a traditional "Cinderella" type concept. That way, they would be able to produce an heir too so it would only be an issue of getting Joo-in accepted as a spouse. Or, they could keep the beta concept, but make that the central conflict; and having them find a solution, such as the prince having a brother he could hand the throne to, or maybe them adopting a child or the prince having a child with someone through sperm donation etc. Plus what happened to Joo-in's parents? Did his father just give up? That should have been resolved too.

Overall the story was fine, but it lacked a central conflict. Therefore it doesn't feel like anything was resolved properly either by the end.
