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hi spoilers ahead

weepthywillow June 19, 2024 6:57 pm

spoilers up till the ending

:: i used a shitty translation so pls forgive my lack of understanding and context, this is also a long one, sorry

what happened was hyungseo and his drug addiction has been posted on social media (allegedly) and his murder of jungho (park yejun's cousin) so he went craycray and the only person he could think of who did this is seungho, so he went out to talk to jiwook.

he went to his school and both of them talked in his car, he apologized for his behavior the other time, jiwook said that he has no intentions of forming a romantic relationship with hyungseo, but hyungseo wont believe it, saying something like "you'll change your mind eventually" smth like that, as jiwook cant stand him anymore, he got out of the car but passed out on the ground because the mf hyungseo gave him a drink that was drugged/spiked, hyungseo then kidnapped him.

(i have to add but before the kidnapping, seungho thought that jiwook ran away again because he wouldnt answer his phone calls, so he ordered his secretary to look for him)

now as jiwook is kidnapped, hyungseo started yapping about how he finally has jiwook by his side, and eventually he admitted that he was the one who killed his dad (poor jiwook) after all that yapping, he tried to rape jiwook.

back to seungho, he was watching the news while waiting for calls, when the news of hyungseo's drug addiction and orgies has been reported, with the participation of lee hee-jin (the fiance of seungho) but he dont give a fuck cause all he could think about was jiwook (he threw the remote to the tv cause he thinks that it was his fault again on why he ran away)

seungho's secretary came and told him that they found jiwook's location (idk if they found out that it was hyungseo who kidnapped jiwook or not, cause the translation i used was shitty, i am sorry)

ok now back to hyungseo, as he tried to rape jiwook, jiwook bit his ear, grabbed a syringe and ran away, he managed to ran away down in the kitchen, he dropped the syringe and was about to grab a knife but hyungseo caught him, pinned him on the ground and continued to try and rape him, jiwook then grabbed the syringe and stabbed the bitch straight in the fucking eye, hyungseo then beat the shit out of jiwook and tried to stab him, while at the same time seungho arrived and saw him, hyungseo then stabbed seungho in the thigh instead, but seungho didnt give a fuck and kicked the bitch hyungseo in the face, choked him and was about to stab him too using the knife in his thigh but jiwook stopped him. (hoo i hoped u understood that, i apologize if not)

hyungseo was tied and started yapping again, its crazy cause this is literally what he said (used my shitty translation ofc) : "Min Jiwook, remember... Unless I die, I will desire you for the rest of my life. Even if you don't love me...! The moment you hear these words, it's going to be imprinted in your head." INSANEEE.

after all that, hyungseo was arrested and both seungho and jiwook got hospitalized, but jiwook woke up two days later after the incident, they both talked about a lot of things, like their past, mistakes and regrets and about what happened with hyungseo too, jiwook told seungho to stop dwelling in the past and should look toward the future instead, because he wants to be happy with seungho. (finally pookie)

seungho told him that, he will cherish jiwook and love him even more now than he did, and make him so happy he'll forget about all the hard times he went through (u better) and he also told him that he broke off his engagement with lee hee jin, and hes not in any form associated with her and her family, so hes not in trouble anymore (or his company) then he asked if jiwook could live with him again at his place.

a month has passed since then, what happened to hyungseo? well he was on trial for murder and disposal of a body and also kidnapping and taking of drugs, but due to insufficient evidence, he was acquitted as he is also mentally and physically weak, so instead he is to be admitted in a psychiatric hospital within the month.

afterwards he was admitted, and this is where it gets even crazier, remember the guy who was brainwashed? (on season 2 episode 79) well, he was in the hospital too, then the bodyguard of seungho (the one who has a slit eyebrow) showed a picture of hyungseo to the brainwashed guy and ordered to kill him using scissors and kill himself right after too, yknow what the brainwashed guy did? he saw hyungseo, called him out, pinned him down, STABBED him in the center of the neck six times, after making sure he was dead, he stabbed himself in the head, and they both die </3
(its insane cause the scene where he was about to get stabbed is on season 3 episode 88)

now after all that finally, hyungseo was reported to be dead on the news, both seungho and jiwook went to visit his father, seungho took a break from working for 3 months and jiwook surprises him a vacation on jeju island, yes they were on the beach where they celebrate seungho's birthday, holding hands happily, the end </33 (idk what is with bl manhwas and them ending on a beach scene, i still eat it up all the damn time.)

and yeah, thats it, this is all i could squeeze from the raws ive read, i apologize if u didnt understand, i tried :' ) thank u for reading nonetheless </3

lmk if u want the link to the raws
