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Why does it prohibit personal relationships? How are you supposed to game with people ever...

Me. June 19, 2024 4:07 pm

Why does it prohibit personal relationships? How are you supposed to game with people everyday and not become some sort of friends?

    Missy June 19, 2024 4:13 pm

    I think it means meeting irl, to keep predators and stuff away, like online dating ig?

    chuchulovelymunimunimuramura June 19, 2024 7:33 pm
    I think it means meeting irl, to keep predators and stuff away, like online dating ig? Missy

    But then how would that relate to calling him "Hyung" in-game...?

    whatevermans June 19, 2024 7:55 pm

    It's such a mindfuck honestly I kept thinking about it for ages (I've read the novel)... it's literally unheard of?? (I've played mmorpgs a lot in the past). I hoped it was a mistranslation but apparently it wasn't....

    June 19, 2024 8:04 pm

    Hyung/형 implies a closer relationship. It’s not necessarily romantic off the bat of course but it’s definitely a step above guildmates or acquaintances. It implies a level above that in terms of closeness. So to keep everyone on the same level within a guild, familiar terms like that are prohibited. Sort of similar to when office couples refer to each other differently in the office instead of when they’re alone or at home in other BL. Keeps everyone on the same level (aside from being the guild leader etc)

    Hope that helps.