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When a discipline even have to take a step to protect their mentor even with a slightest f...

Crazy fox June 19, 2024 12:06 pm

When a discipline even have to take a step to protect their mentor even with a slightest fight means you have really become weak Kayden. I don't want this to have a plot where Kayden is still so so so strong despite having a weak/injured body, what I mean is having the plot armor protect them both. We want to see their progress again. Now that jiwoo have realized yet again how weak he is, I hope both of them will stop being reckless and soft hearted when they're now being targeted by strong people. We also want to see his friends grow up, not just jiwoo. The others have some strong backing, so they deserve to be strong too and have more screen time. I don't know how this will progress more, but stop throwing enemies to them! It's been the same plot from the start and we are not even in the climax. I actually love how slow this is, cause I don't want it to end but jiwoo's cuteness ain't working on me anymore. His kindness is his character but it looks like he already forgot the shit he went through from other awakeners and is being naive again.

    Gelala June 19, 2024 7:32 pm

    yes yes yes i agree! the formula of jiwoo's naivety and kindness being rare in the awakened world worked wonders in the beginning, especially in the academy arc, since they are supervised by teachers who despite their affiliations, mean well to the students. but this formula can't be copy pasted over and over again even when facing the top 10. while the chapter safely reached its conclusion with kayden and her not fighting and jiwoo apparently gaining a favor for stopping a fight... in my pov, i think it was kayden who was pardoned since i positively think giselda wouldve wiped the floor with kayden's ass, esp with kayden's injury after fighting a top 10 prior.

    for a mc who has had his core crushed, it's a lil unrealistic how naive jiwoo still is. would like to see jiwoo grow more mature and accountable with his actions, not always relying on the fact that he'll get rescued by kayden (although not intentionally). i hope to see jiwoo be more influenced by kayden, in a way that he'll know how to slightly bend the rules of a game to his own advantage like how kauden does, or become overall more cunning/witty in certain scenarios.

    Crazy fox June 20, 2024 2:23 pm

    Right my guy had already saw the darkest side of their world, from experimenting animals and awakeners, to being betrayed/facing a traitor (d**e) and beaten to death, having to lose his core and even getting attack anytime possible, he even got tortured so much by an awakener but bro is still so naive and kind but the angry Kayden at the latest chapter was new and funny to me, lol he snapped at jiwoo's goody act