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I see(?)

Dragon's Galaxy June 19, 2024 8:21 am

My speculation up till chap 103
Idk man I might be tweaking cuz of lack of sleep

So the silver haired guy guan mu loved xiao bao and treasured him, willing to defy all odds for him, which was probably what caused the scene in chap 102 where xiao bao was erased.
This enraged him so he cursed xiao yi where the person he loves ends up dead the person xiao yi loved ended up being that was dongbao who was very similar to guan mus ex lover and whatever ig.
Their was this other thing I was thinking where something like immortal xiao yi went into coma after immortal dongbao became a mortal and whatnot from like earlier chaps which is why he's the one who can save him.(Also were dating before they seperated)

    Prssia June 19, 2024 8:46 am

    I think it’s more guan mu falls in love with a mortal and chases the mortal’s reincarnation to be together. That is against the rule for gods so xiao li being the leader, scattered dongbao’s soul into various worlds as punishment, idk maybe guan mu attacks xiao li and does the same to him? But basically as guanmu tries to bring dongbao back to life, dongbao meets xiaoli in the process and that’s what happened?