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Am I the only one who's feeling discombobulated by how Seth was able to SO easily forgive ...

✨ FATHERFCKER ✨ June 19, 2024 3:40 am

Am I the only one who's feeling discombobulated by how Seth was able to SO easily forgive all that Peserus (and by extension, Theo) had done?? They massacred his entire family; his father, his mother, his three (or was it four idr) older brothers, his younger siblings, plus they burned down the family's guardian tree, therefore killing the tree spirits, plus left his country in ruin, plus killed probably tens of thousands of his own people- the Langeres soldiers- during the war.. It was briefly mentioned that Seth's strength was not dwelling on the past, but focusing on the present and future. But in this context, it's a bit far fetched to not "dwell" on it, no???!

Also when Seth was recruiting the survivors of Langeres to help Peserus.. they were all so easily on board with it. Absolutely no resistance, reluctance or anger whatsoever. Like, "Oh your bae is preggo? Then let us immediately side with them and risk our lives to help the very people who killed our loved ones and destroyed our country and burned down all our sacred trees!! Woohooooo!!

    ✨ FATHERFCKER ✨ June 19, 2024 3:49 am

    Ah my comment got cut off.

    I get that the Langeres help and protect the pregnant no matter who they are as the child is innocent but cmon... Siding so easily with an entire army who had committed all those atrocities against you and your loved ones..? Really??

    ..still loved reading it though lol. 5 stars.

    sam June 20, 2024 7:02 pm
    Ah my comment got cut off.I get that the Langeres help and protect the pregnant no matter who they are as the child is innocent but cmon... Siding so easily with an entire army who had committed all those atroc... ✨ FATHERFCKER ✨

    You are totally right. I've thought of this once before but just shrugged it off, the only reason I can think of is that they really do honor their tradition or culture of protecting the pregnant like, they really do take it seriously, and Seth must just be a really trusted person for the Langeres people to just go with what he says.

    (nevertheless, it wasn't really discussed more in the story so it's kind of like a plot whole or just a neglected part of the story)