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While i appreciate the redemption, i still believe that mc deserves better than to end up ...

Sazz June 18, 2024 6:42 pm

While i appreciate the redemption, i still believe that mc deserves better than to end up with one of the people that lead him to suicide is his past life. True redemption would be if ml didn't even think about touching mc again yet there he went, saying something like "You can't back out now" when mc said "Stop" at the start of their sexual intercourse. Heck, even if it was consensual, I don't think that ml deserves to be with mc. Needless to say, the constant distrust, emotional and physical abuse, the rape and neglect to towards mc by ml in the past life are unforgivable. Yes, he can redeem himself but no, he doesn't deserve to be with mc again. Behaving nicely and 'winning' over mc feels selfish to me and he enjoys his time way too much. He should have instead paid for a therapist so that mc can heal and find his self worth and give him enough money to live his life free however he wants without taking such a direct place in his life. Redemption should be selfless. His actions in the past life (not exactly past life, he basically turned back time) were too horrifying, to the point it's cruel of him to even be close to mc who as a victim of constant abuse, finds any form of simple, basic decency as incredible and more than he deserves (my poor baby).

    Violetdepravity June 18, 2024 6:48 pm

    Is there a novel or raw?

    Sazz June 18, 2024 6:49 pm
    Is there a novel or raw? Violetdepravity

    There's a novel, you can google it.

    Ssssssss June 19, 2024 2:30 pm

    Agreed!! I feel like people are unhinged these days, losing their empathetic part of humanity, as well as being delulu because this way of redemption does not work in reality. I wish to find the right BL someday where the feelings and actions are realistic.

    Violetdepravity June 19, 2024 3:17 pm
    Agreed!! I feel like people are unhinged these days, losing their empathetic part of humanity, as well as being delulu because this way of redemption does not work in reality. I wish to find the right BL someda... Ssssssss

    I think that's why omegaverse exists... The unhinged part... When I pick up an omegaverse story, I know it is gonna be immoral... I think by the end of the day, we gotta remember, it's fiction, through and through

    Rei June 19, 2024 4:02 pm
    Agreed!! I feel like people are unhinged these days, losing their empathetic part of humanity, as well as being delulu because this way of redemption does not work in reality. I wish to find the right BL someda... Ssssssss

    Bruh there’s reason why fantasy or supernatural genre exists, why need always follow what real whatnot. Even if you dont mean about genre, people watch or read fictions often to take a break from reality, if always realistic then must be boring because many storyline possibilities cant be explored. Totally fine if you dont like some stories, up to you, but why we just read fictions then suddenly get criticized saying we lost empathy as if we cant see bad or good real or not

    chll51 June 19, 2024 5:26 pm

    It's because his redemption doesn't feel earn, at least that's how I feel. He's only acting this way because he had knowledge of the past and if he didn't, would he still be as nice? Probably not. So all this is manipulation on his end and not true regret to be a better person and be better for MC. I don't think ML does enough to deserve MC and idk if I have it in me to witness his flashbacks. Such a shame because author's previous stories were much sweeter and nicer. Idk why author gotta go "dark" and always venture into rape/abuse.

    Balu June 19, 2024 6:11 pm
    There's a novel, you can google it. Sazz

    I can’t find it, the last link that I had deleted it, can you share it with me pls

    justLol_56 June 20, 2024 5:31 am
    Agreed!! I feel like people are unhinged these days, losing their empathetic part of humanity, as well as being delulu because this way of redemption does not work in reality. I wish to find the right BL someda... Ssssssss

    I agree but it’s all the reason why this is all fictional. It’s not gonna happen irl but it can through a make-believe story.

    Ssssssss June 20, 2024 12:38 pm
    I think that's why omegaverse exists... The unhinged part... When I pick up an omegaverse story, I know it is gonna be immoral... I think by the end of the day, we gotta remember, it's fiction, through and thro... Violetdepravity

    I have read some really good omega verse with very well written plot, characters and what not. It had really good redemption arc too. Do you know “My Omega Leader-nim”? The title is close to that. Have you heard of the untamed? Or mo Dao Zu Shi? Well, I guess it takes an incredible author to write such a master piece. The plot itself just has to make sense, it has to be written in a way where even readers can go “ahh, I see why they did this and that” and not “that is the MC so ridiculously stupid, don’t understand why they did that or where they are coming from”, some things are made just for kink and fetish and I try not to read those by looking at reviews, but I don’t always not stumble across them.

    Ssssssss June 20, 2024 12:41 pm
    It's because his redemption doesn't feel earn, at least that's how I feel. He's only acting this way because he had knowledge of the past and if he didn't, would he still be as nice? Probably not. So all this i... chll51

    So true!! You said it very well.

    Ssssssss June 20, 2024 12:43 pm
    I have read some really good omega verse with very well written plot, characters and what not. It had really good redemption arc too. Do you know “My Omega Leader-nim”? The title is close to that. Have you ... Ssssssss

    Such as abuse and rape, but if your fetish is that, I am sorry but that is extremely concerning and should go see a psychiatrist.