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i'm not convinced

donna June 18, 2024 2:04 am

that she has the spine for temple-leveling-type revenge. She can't even genuinely tell white knight to kindly f off. And what's with cutting it so close with her ex captor and knight? If she can't even insist that the priest who invited her there walk her to the exit so she can avoid that bs check with the knights and a possible repeat meet with her captor, she shouldn't stray far from home and definitely never go near that temple.

    Chouchou June 18, 2024 4:55 am

    I agree. But I also think she's trying to play it safe particularly as she's a child. If she says too much people/the temple will ask questions... and if the temple becomes interested in her again she'd potentially be brought back there which she obviously doesn't want. I think her goal right now is securing her childhood away from the temple as well as avoiding her deathflags... and then focusing on revenge as an adult.