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Yoonie June 17, 2024 2:37 pm

is so fucking insane and I love him because his character makes so much sense and he's so complex. He doesn't know how to regulate his feelings and his affection because his family never showed him how to. Anger as a reaction to things not going his way was taught to him through exposure by his sister and he's never even been shown love so how would he know how to express his own if not through overcompensation and distressed outbursts? Don't even get me started on his manipulative nature because of his fear of abandonment. God, he's definitely one of the best written bl characters I've seen and I've read at least a thousand of them.

Also a lesson for other readers who only see "problematic characters" and stop there instead of seeing their role and what their characters are meant to show about human experience. Tbf though, there really are a lot of problematic characters out there who's just there because the author needs something to forward the plot and they're almost never written as well as Yuri.

TLDR: I kneel to you Park Nodeok.
