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thoughts and feelings

icecoffee1111 June 17, 2024 1:52 pm

1. "why the kid suspicious of me" bc you pretending to be a girl who is dead
2. wild thiing to ask someone while theyre at work no less
3. so why is he against having a relationship with him
4. honestly i feel bad for the mc he just needs money and this rich family is making it so difficult for he when he is working for them its not like he showed up out of nowhere they went looking for him so they need to be nicer ヽ(`Д´)ノ
5.ok so he was in love poor mc he's had such a hard life and now he cant even be with his love
6. territory is such a weird way to describe someones house
7. he is so cute
8.omg im gonna cry the poor mc he's just precious
9. you would think he would have cameras in his house or a recording of the talk btw the driver and mc so the ml could find out what happened
10. so cute hope they happy
