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HRAensn June 17, 2024 10:23 am

In CH 52. DUBCON warning; Jo cums on Ian’s face while Ian is passed out and he did continue to thrust a bit even after he passed out.

In CH 53. Based off spoilers from other, Jo sees that Ian is going to TJ. And TJ is there too, standing and sees them, and Jo grabs Ian’s hand to stop him. And people are bashing him for this so hard on TT and other platforms lol. I don’t think it’s a big deal as the dubcon tbh. Jealousy is bound to happen regardless.

Also Author has said in interviews what each male lead is being crazy about:

1. TJ— Gang Life
2. JO— Obsession
3. IAN— Unknown

I’m afraid Jo will be so obsessed and let go of his own sanity in a way. Ian has said he isn’t gonna settle down anytime soon, both male leads know this. And TJ is really focused on gang life.

    didi June 18, 2024 1:26 pm

    Oh ok so jo sa ian. Isn't that what it is?

    HRAensn June 18, 2024 1:41 pm
    Oh ok so jo sa ian. Isn't that what it is? didi

    In a way yes. Dubcon.

    HRAensn June 18, 2024 1:44 pm
    Oh ok so jo sa ian. Isn't that what it is? didi

    He’s gonna do more later like the manipulating part. Also I haven’t Exaclty seen the SA scene so it’s kinda hard for me to make a judgement. He continued to thrust in a few more after Ian passed out.

    That’s why I don’t think he’s “good” like people say. Both male leads have diff craziness.

    HRAensn June 18, 2024 1:49 pm
    Oh ok so jo sa ian. Isn't that what it is? didi

    I’m actually glad Jo ain’t this “innocent normal and good decent” man.

    didi June 18, 2024 3:24 pm
    I’m actually glad Jo ain’t this “innocent normal and good decent” man. HRAensn

    Why tho. Wouldn't you want your fav to be a good person?

    HRAensn June 18, 2024 3:37 pm
    Why tho. Wouldn't you want your fav to be a good person? didi

    I mean no one’s inherently good. I would want anyone to be a decent person and redeem themselves, but I’m not the one who makes their choices nor do I have a favorite in this case (I’m team nobody. I’ll support whichever endgame as long as it plays out nicely.)

    MOONCHILD June 20, 2024 6:00 am
    I mean no one’s inherently good. I would want anyone to be a decent person and redeem themselves, but I’m not the one who makes their choices nor do I have a favorite in this case (I’m team nobody. I’ll... HRAensn

    She has never said something like that. As per her tweet, she said both Top love Ian while from Ian's POV both Top possess an obsessive look. Both of them are obsessive. TJ entered the story (chap1) already embodying obsessional behaviour while Jo was not obsessed from the beginning. He wasn't introduced as an obsessive man but now he's getting obsessive. At first, Jo gives the impression of being simple and "pure", but as we've seen, a darker, more complex side of him is revealing itself. This doesn't overshadow the positive in him and his love, that once itself known. Jo entered the story embodying clear values and principles that, yes he struggles to uphold as the story progresses, but that were inherent to him from the start. He comes from a 5y relationship. He believes in serious and long lasting relationships. For him loving someone and accepting that they go with others is an arduous challenge that can only cause him suffering but he accepted to face this challenge. He is not saint as even he admit that he is getting obsessive which is a feeling that is foreign to him because this is the first time he has faced such intense desire and situations out of his control. Ian is the first "morally dubious" person Jo has let into his life and for a fact, he is the first person to push Jo away, which triggers a lot of Jo's inner conflicts. Ian only continue to push and pull and keep Jo in the dark, leaving him anxious a d insecure. People like Ian, so alluring yet too cryptic and so selfish, have their consequences, such as escalating internal conflicts into a corruption of the self. Jo is actually more willing to compromise his values and standards (commitment, transparency, exclusivity) and what he stands for, to be by Ian's side and we see the consequences of that too. It caused Jo to feed into a foreign, all consuming emotions, losing control over his thoughts and actions. Jo seems to be losing a piece of his identity to this obsession or gaining another dual conflicting identity, yes I'm referring to his dark side which everyone is eager to see. In the beginning, Jo's intentions were in the right place. For most part, he wanted to maintain that honesty and integrity that he led before but now, what Jo wants more is Ian. He prioritizes Ian even at the expense of his morals, safety and sanity. However, Jo is his own person and wanting Ian is his choice. The same goes for TJ who wants Ian and the gang. That's their choice. They are very clear with what they want unlike Ian.

    MOONCHILD June 20, 2024 6:13 am
    I mean no one’s inherently good. I would want anyone to be a decent person and redeem themselves, but I’m not the one who makes their choices nor do I have a favorite in this case (I’m team nobody. I’ll... HRAensn

    He knows that he will never understand Ian unless he knows Ian's past but that doesn't stop him from making space for himself in Ian's life, regardless of the potential inner turmoil and external dangers. It's worth mentioning that Jo still doesn't know anything about Ian's past maybe Ian's past could be an indication of his character development. Anyways, that reckless desire is just another layer to Jo that is part of his whole and it sits there alongside integrity, naivete, anxiety, and jealousy, all prominent odds with each other, and heightened in this new, violent world Jo has found himself in and that leaves no one unscratched. Naturally, Jo is the one going to struggle the most because everything is foreign to him. Struggle, stray, and lose himself before he can find his way back to his right, true self that even he doesn't know because most of the readers and Jo himself have presumed that there's nothing more to himself than what he is known for which is not true. There's more to him than meets the eye. His character development will only start when his dark side consumes him. Meeting Ian and falling in love with him is the biggest turning point in his life because he will get to know his true self. Also, the ending of chapter 52 has a correlation with chap 12. Ian asked TJ to do* him until he pass out but TJ was incapable of doing it while Jo did it. He thrust once, shakes his head (sign of disapproval) and finished himself off. The author already made that a conscious decision. What he did at the end was not consensual. The author loves drama!!

    HRAensn June 20, 2024 11:19 am
    He knows that he will never understand Ian unless he knows Ian's past but that doesn't stop him from making space for himself in Ian's life, regardless of the potential inner turmoil and external dangers. It's ... MOONCHILD

    Thank you for the detailed explanation! Love how you analyze and explain in details, I can’t do that. “Ian asked TJ to do* him until he pass out but TJ was incapable of doing it while Jo did it. He thrust once, shakes his head (sign of disapproval) and finished himself off. The author already made that a conscious decision. What he did at the end was not consensual. The author loves drama!!“

    Could you explain this part? Why did Ian want TJ to thrust him till he passed out? And other stuff you said.