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aya June 17, 2024 9:54 am

i don't think the owner will get angry, phi practically grew up in shangri la. the owner doesn't only see phi as a bird/worker, he is very fond of him and i think if he were to find out about phi and apollo he won't get upset but rather relieved that phi finally falls inlove to the point where he can be himself wholeheartedly. though phi still won't get special pass and i think phi and apollo will quit the shangri la. anyway i love them both so much and they deserve one another. <33

    emo cow goes moo June 18, 2024 10:35 pm

    also want to point out that during the first chapters, someone mentioned that u aren’t forced to stay in shangri la if u didn’t find happiness in there anymore, or at least not continue ur job there since the previous workers who didn’t find enjoyment in their job left, so the chances are high !

    emo cow goes moo June 18, 2024 11:15 pm
    also want to point out that during the first chapters, someone mentioned that u aren’t forced to stay in shangri la if u didn’t find happiness in there anymore, or at least not continue ur job there since t... emo cow goes moo

    nevermind i was too hasty that i forgot the expulsion rules and all the paperasse