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Can someone fking explain me why horus is raping again Seth??

MayumiChan June 17, 2024 9:42 am

Like IN MY HEAD THIS MAKES NO SENSE. Why would he do that, 2 TIMES (I m at ch76) like I am hating this sm

    MayumiChan June 17, 2024 9:45 am

    Is it this one that is not canon?

    MayumiChan June 17, 2024 12:41 pm

    Ok i finished it, no way he gets raped this many time and he is fine. It is disgusting. I like the art and Horus and him but for fucks sake, there is no way he will be surviving all of this pain. Raped by, humus 2 times, by his brother osiris, his nephew, and from the unknown god. this is bullshit

    Redfish June 18, 2024 7:16 am
    Ok i finished it, no way he gets raped this many time and he is fine. It is disgusting. I like the art and Horus and him but for fucks sake, there is no way he will be surviving all of this pain. Raped by, humu... MayumiChan

    I think he just doesn't acknowledge it and some part of him believes it's his fault it's happening that he's too weak and not men enough so he just ignores all the rape and gets angry instead

    MayumiChan June 19, 2024 11:11 am
    I think he just doesn't acknowledge it and some part of him believes it's his fault it's happening that he's too weak and not men enough so he just ignores all the rape and gets angry instead Redfish

    yeah but I think that would make sense in some of them, when are the humans doing that is absolutely horrifying

    HRAensn June 23, 2024 7:04 pm

    Their morals and because they’re gods, not humans, their grudges toward rape or anything we have laws about aren’t the same for them.