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can someone tell me what happened to the last author? I forgot what happened

DaddyLevi7 June 17, 2024 5:01 am

can someone tell me what happened to the last author? I forgot what happened

    Cerealgirl June 17, 2024 5:54 am

    She got cancelled drawing shota art of an exo member

    Seri June 17, 2024 10:23 am

    the author (novel) posted that if the numbers of sale continue to be this low the comic might get dropped (bc the company wants to make money and won't renew contracts if the story doesn't sell well). So they asked to please support the artist of the adaptation of her novel. But then the illegal translator threw a hissy fit and attacked them. I think the author then pointed out that millions consume illegal while only a few thousands (under 10'000) buy and they can't survive like that. Other illegal readers joined in and demanded they work for free. Then they found old work from the artist - shota, which is NOT illegal and does pay - bc the artists do need to make a living. Then they used it as an excuse to why it is fine to read ILLEGALLY and attack both creators and created a big fuss. So the company was like 'it doesn't bring us money but lots of troubles - let's just drop this'.
    I was so pissed back then about my "fellow illegal readers" that I made myself accounts at the 3 biggest companies and started watching ads where it's possible.. so I can read legally most stories for free with the ads that are officially translated.. So for me there was at least something positive about this