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I can understand why she was disliked in the past (as much as we sympathize with the 'vill...

Exploits June 17, 2024 2:20 am

I can understand why she was disliked in the past (as much as we sympathize with the 'villainess' type we have to admit many times they had to face the consequences for their actions, even if the retribution is highly disproportionate), but really the brother and father held so much of the blame for ignoring her and causing her to act out and to cling to malicious people for their attention. They straight up anadoned her, and honestly i could never bring myself to trust people who abandoned others. And this was long before her condemnation event. And honestly i bet they all planned to sell her as a prostitute. Disgusting.
And that prince, again trust is super fragile. He straight up admits to using her, so really how could anyone ever believe in his love.
The revenge (extra good because it was a consequence of her trying to move on and not seek revenge but to end a threat) is the only thing worth in this story. I truly hope she could have moved on and find strong loyal bonds who will stay by her side even if she became 'useless' like the prostitute friend.
