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Hm I wonder why

Shirayuki June 16, 2024 8:18 pm

I’m a little confused why I’m feeling this way because the manhwa is a faithful adaptation to the novel but I just can’t really get into it? The novel was absolutely amazing and seriously one of the best I’ve ever read in Otome isekai genre, but the manhwa is so…..subpar? I don’t know if it’s because of the art too but the pacing for the novel doesn’t seem to work when we change the medium to a comic. It makes it dreary and boring when in the novel, everything was very thoughtful and well-written. Seems to me this manhwa suffers not because the story is bad but the way it’s being presented because I was so engaged in the novel I read all 170+ chapters in two days

    shitcory June 19, 2024 4:29 pm

    It's likely the pacing. I personally enjoy a slow pacing, but I totally understand why so many find this one boring, I've definitely read stories with much better slow pacing.

    There's only a few novels I've read some beginning chapters of (couldn't get further ahead due to my ADHD ass struggling to read long texts online) and then read the manhwa version, and I've definitely noticed how much they tend to cut away with the manwha. I can only assume this adaptation isn't cutting away much, which would explain the slow pacing. Certainly, things work differently depending on the medium and adaptations should be somewhat flexible while keeping true to the original version.

    It def sucks bc I'm also really into the story and want more, but I know I'm unable to read the novel