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Dang it when will this end? my heart cant take it anymore (chapter 103)

fwopfwop June 16, 2024 1:51 pm

I know eckles will turn bad, so rn i feel so sad and sorry for him! Hes basically a booty call and mild domestic abused by penelope (she seeks him out tell him sweet nothings ignore him for long period give him gifts to compensate tell him sweet nothings then ignore him again), and the first thing she thought was he loved her! Girl noo. I srsly blame her prev fam for this, and by extension her current fam (mainly derrick) cos girl turns out okay externally but is soo broken and undeveloped inside. Screw u fam! I srsly hope her og fam would go bankrupt bevome beggars and die in a ditch
